Sleet and Snow Please Go Away, It’s Still October!

October 31, 2011

If you answered they both arrived here on Saturday morning, you are correct! I ordered a ridiculously giant quantity of bulbs (only about half are mine, the other half belong to several neighbors) and stupidly let the bulb grower decide on a delivery date. Then, my neighbor politely asked last weekend about the status of the bulbs. I thought, well they should be here by now, it is now the second half of October. I now know that the problem is that we technically fall into Zone 7 (but in a lot of ways are closer to Zone 6), which means that we aren’t scheduled until the first week in November, rather than the second half of October. So I called last week and had the bulbs sent right away. In the meantime we missed 2 beautiful weekends of planting and got a weekend that felt more like December than October. The grower I’m sure would argue that you don’t want to be putting the bulbs in the ground until after it cools, but now the ground is frozen! If all goes well the ground will soften up a bit so we can get these in (fingers crossed). I think it is time to pull out my secret weapon; I have a little auger that attached to my drill and helps speed up the process (assuming the ground is not frozen solid!).

We did not get much done this weekend, we needed some down time hibernating! Did anyone have a productive weekend?

P.S. I hope all of my more northerly friends are fairing okay with the snow! My parents are without power and have a bigger tree and branch pile then after the hurricane. Fingers crossed they will get some relief today. Love to all!