Sam is 6

July 1, 2013


I know I have been long overdue in writing. We have been busy celebrating my little guy’s 6th Birthday. I can’t believe how grown up he has become. Every time I go through photos I realize that there is less and less little guy. Fortunately he will still snuggle up with me. Although at camp he doesn’t want to give me a kiss anymore before I leave.

He requested a short haircut for the summer, which I think makes him look even older. It doesn’t help that he is in the 98% for height.


He was so good about his birthday. His only request was some Dr. Who toys.  Here he is with his new Tardis. And yes we are a big nerdy family!


Left to his own imagination, he is a silly guy who likes to dress up, draw elaborate pictures and play in the mud. I’m so proud of him, he has grown up so much in the last year! Happy Birthday to my sweet boy!


The kids are actually away for a couple of days visiting their grandparents. As much as some quiet time is nice, I already miss them.