Our Basement Part 44: A Few Details

May 8, 2012

Old Electrical Box w/ Sam's Guitar

I have been trying to break up the long tasks of making the basement usable by starting to bring in some of the fun accessories for the space. My favorite right now is our old electrical box, now used to hold extra guitar strings and picks. This OLD electical box was actually in use when we bought the house! It connected our ancient oil boiler to the more up to date electrical. Since we replaced the boiler 6 years ago it has been sitting in a box, waiting to be used (after our plumber briefly freaked out and threw it in the garbage). I was really excited to see that it perfectly fits a couple packs of strings and guitar picks.

Blue Beadboard Door to the Backyard

I also painted the old beadboard door to the backyard over the weekend. I am not loving the color, I think I am going to repaint it darker, but I do like that it provides some color to the space. I am leaning towards a dark moody blue-gray. I don’t want it to look too much like I am matching the carpet, so I think I will have to get some more paint chips and see what I can come up with. Also in the works is a new handle for the door. We already have a vintage bell (in the middle of the door) and some old school gate hinges. Now that the door is painted the old wood handle feels a little out of place. I am thinking of something like this or this:

Handle 1: 13" Twist & Clover Leaf Handle, $16.79

Handle 2: 11" Top Knobs Normandy Collection, $10.79

Ironing Board & Garbage Bin

Ironing Board Fabric & Garbage Bin

I haven’t painted the pegboard in the workroom yet either, but I thought I would show you the pretty ironing board cover  that will go on the pegboard that faces towards the laundry area. I also picked up the cutest garbage bin (Knodd Bin) at Ikea yesterday. Anything that will inspire me to do laundry is a good thing!

Basement Window in Progress

I have started to work on a vignette for the basement window (the one that you see as you come down the stairs). I have had these old glass vessels for years (ever since I took them out of a dumpster when I worked in the city next to a certain retailer). It is funny that I had always planned on making them into terrariums, and now I have waited long enough it is really popular so it will be pretty easy to get supplies. I am thinking possibly a violet and fern (things that like low light). I think a trip to Terrain may be in order!