My Pine Tree is Being Attacked!

March 28, 2011

My big, old pine tree w/ I guy in a lift 60+' in the air!

Okay, so not exactly attacked, maybe butchered is a better word. As I sit here at the back desk, my poor old giant pine tree is being “trimmed” by Asplundh, the tree service that PECO uses to trim the trees near the power line. Since they are still here, I haven’t had a chance to take a look at the damage (hopefully minimal). I know it is important job to keep branches from hanging over the power lines, but they don’t have a delicate hand. In the meantime, I get to hear the loud humming of diesel trucks and tree branches being chipped. The poor tree has had a rough couple of years. When we moved here she was very symmetrical, unfortunately one of the giant snow storms last year managed to take out about a third of her branches in one fell swoop. It was a horrible cascade from the top. It made me very sad!