Happy New Year Everyone! I can’t believe it is already the second week of the year! We had a nice quiet New Years followed by 1 day of school and then a snow day! Now the snow has melted but we are having the coldest weather in 20 years. The downstairs is a bit chilly (as I sit here in multiple layers). Fortunately all the insulation in the roof means that the second floor is nice and toasty, even if there is a 20 degree differential right now between the 2 floors!
I’m not normally very good with New Year’s Resolutions but I have decided that there is one this year that I am going to try to work on. Spend more time with my family! Technically I do spend a fair amount of time with them, but the resolution is about spending quality time, where I am not distracted by the million of other things going on. I’m not quite sure how I am going to pull it off, but I am going to try. What New Year’s Resolutions have you made?
In other news, we did manage to actually have a fairly productive weekend. Mr. S. and I decided it was time to get working on the Craft Room. We have spent countless hours trying to get the walls and ceiling smooth. Between wallpaper that wouldn’t cooperate, old plaster with cracks and no finish coat, and patching from the holes for the insulation, I thought it was never going to end. Every time I would tell myself that it was the last coat of spackle I would find more spots. Well, we finally called the walls done and primed and painted. So far we have 2 coats of paint and I might go for 3 on the sloped ceiling/wall, since it shows every imperfection thanks to its super close proximity to your eyes and the way the window sits. We still have to prime and paint the trim and bench.
The door to the room will be staying stained, as it is one of the few places in the house to have its original finish. Almost everywhere else that is a stained finish the previous owner striped back, so it doesn’t have the same luster as this. The rest of the trim will be painted white to keep it clean. The walls themselves are a light gray, just enough color so the whit trim will pop against them. Fortunately the dark brown painted floor is in really good shape! There was nasty carpet covering it, that we chose to leave in place until the wall and ceiling painting was complete. It was very exciting to bring it out to the garbage yesterday! Hopefully by next week we can start actually bringing in the rest of the furniture and accessories! I am also ordering a couple of storm windows for the room. Once they arrive (and I hopefully like them) I will give you some more details!
I hope everyone is having a great 2014! Cheers!