Cottage Color Schemes from Watercolor & Seaside Florida Part 1

April 24, 2012

On our vacation one of the things that really caught my eye were some amazing exterior paint color schemes. So today I thought I would show you a couple of my favorites. Typically you would adjust these colors based on your climate. For example these colors are in full Florida sun, so in a cooler grayer climate you would tone them down accordinglt. I have listed the closest Pantone color for reference.

Color Scheme 1: Aqua w/ Cream Trim

Color Scheme 1 comes from the unit where we stayed.  The aqua color was really appealing with the cream trim, but what made it a little more unique was the dark blue (not quite navy) shutters and a hint of bright yellow (on the railings). There was also a slightly brighter cooler blue on the porch ceilings. Another interesting detail to note on this unit is the use of shutter panels to create privacy and hide elements that are not as attractive. They use these quite often down here to good effect.

Color Scheme 2: Yellow House w/ White Trim

Color Scheme 2 comes from a lovely cottage with a side porch. They yellow paint scheme is very friendly. The olive green shutters look nice against the yellow and again offer privacy from the street. The side porch was very popular in Savannah and Charleston back in the day. Here they have left it quite open and used a mix of gray, metallic and red accents.

Gotta run but I will be back later this week with some more color schemes.