Cleaning the Porch Ceiling & Porch Progress

May 9, 2011

The guys are busy working on the porch again. If all goes well they should be done tomorrow. As you can see they are working their way from the front to the back. In the meantime, Mr. S cleaned the porch ceiling and walls yesterday. Both had a lot of dirt (thanks to the siding project and the road being redone). There was also some mildew in the higher areas of the ceiling.  Mr. S developed an interesting technique for cleaning the ceiling. We used stuff we already had on hand so the project was basically free.

Technique for Cleaning the Porch Ceiling

1. Purchase a deck cleaner or something similar that will remove dirt as well as mildew. Also purchase some foam bath cleaner that works on mildew (we used some scrubbing bubbles that we already had on hand).

2. Clear off porch.

3. Get hose ready with a nozzle that has a jet setting (we could have rented a pressure washer but I was concerned that it would hurt the pine beadboard)

4. Use a large broom that can attach to an extendable paint handle & large tub that will fit the broom

5. Mix deck cleaner in large tub

6. Wet down ceiling.

6. Use big muscles (this also works better if you are tall like Mr. S) and scrub the cleaner onto the ceiling with large brush

7. Rinse

8. Scrub again, this time leave cleaner on ceiling for a little while

9. Rinse.

10. For the areas that still have mildew, spray foam bathroom cleaner on brush. Then brush on and let sit.

11. Rinse. Remaining Spot should dry lighter.

12. Dry. Now our front porch smells like a freshly clean bathroom ; )