Blooming This Week: Tulip Turkestanica, More Lungwort & Muscari

March 21, 2012



Even though it seems like everything has sprouted in the garden, I am being surprised daily by more plants popping up. When new plants sprout it is like a little present. : )The surprise of this week are the Tulip Turkestanica. I bought these on a bit of a whim last fall when I placed my big bulb order from Brent and Becky’s Bulbs. For some reason (I obviously didn’t pay attention to the label) I expected them to bloom a little later. So while I have been waiting patiently for my Chionodoxa to bloom these popped up and started blooming. They are small and delicate, but I love that they have multiple flowers on each stem. These are also suppose to be reasonably good repeat bloomers.




Unfortunately my Barr’s Purple Crocuses have mostly been eaten by the bunnies. They looks stunning for about 2 days before they were slowly eaten over the next several days. I only have 2 still in bloom. The rest have been gnawed down to a little stump. Fortunately my daffodils are still hanging in there (I was afraid with the heat that they would wilt).




My Lungwort (Pulmonaria) is looking lovely, both varieties are blooming and the ‘Majeste’ variety is putting up an extra lovely dark purple bloom.



My muscari (grape hyacinth) are also in bloom and the ‘flaming purissima’ tulips are just about ready to go. These were a recommendation from Tovah at Plantswise. She recommended these as reliable repeat bloomers. I love tulips, but I get frustrated when they only come back once or twice before they disappear. So far so good!

What is popping up in your garden?