Blooming This Week: Kerria, Virginia Bluebells & Variegated Pieris

April 4, 2012

Shade Garden with the Yellow Blooming Kerria Japonica

It has been another exciting week in the garden. The weather has been chilly (okay, seasonally appropriate) so I haven’t spent as much time as I would like outside. Fortunately it is warmer today, so I hope to get some more garden chores done. My Kerria bushes are in full bloom and looking lovely! They will require a good trim after the bloom, but I love that they are near the back and side gate, so they can welcome everyone in.

Virginia Bluebells

Bleeding Heart

My Virginia Bluebells are up and blooming. They are stealth plants, they arrive out of nowhere, pop up quickly, bloom for a bit and then disappear until next spring. I do love them though! The trick is remembering where they are since they are hiding for a good part of the year and I am always trying to fill the space. I think I may try moving a few to a more shady area under the cedar tree. I think that they would be a nice contrast to the bleeding hearts, which I love for their long lasting drooping blooms.

Flaming Purissima Tulip

Autumn Fern

The Flaming Purissima that I planted in the front yard are all done blooming but the ones in the back are still in their prime, looking lovely mixed with the daffodils. I also planted 3 Autumn Ferns this week (from Home Depot). I had admired them at the Philly Flower Show earlier this spring and was excited to see them at HD for a reasonable price. Hopefully they will do well in their new home by our shed.

Variegated Pieris

Blueberry Bush

In the side garden (which needs a LOT of love) I planted a variegated Pieris last fall (on sale from HD). I put it in quite late and without too much thought except that I thought it would be nice to add a little more evergreen texture on the slope. So far it has rewarded me with the splendid magenta-red color (I have to go look up the exact variety). I also planted 2 blueberry bushes in the same area (on either side of the new steps). They now have buds (which will become blueberries). I had been reluctant to plant blueberries because I had heard that they were difficult to grow, but so far they have had lovely red leaves in the fall and some nice white buds. We will see who gets the berries first this year, the birds or the kids. This area is suppose to be our new veggie area, with a raised bed. I just need to get in gear and put it in (which requires cutting down the pre-made kit). I also need to decide if I want to battle the pachysandra  that has taken over here. I hate it, but it is somewhat useful on the hillside that is difficult to access.

What is blooming in your yard right now?