Blooming This Week: Hibscus, Balloon Flowers, Daisies & Coneflowers

July 5, 2012

Front Yard: It is feeling very “cottage garden” right now

I am having a bit of a post Fourth of July hangover. It has been HOT here, so I have been bad about photographing the garden. Fortunately there are still some flowers blooming!

The super sunny front garden is in its summer glory. The coneflowers, daisies and hardy hibiscus could care less that it is literally 100 degrees out. There is definitely something to be said for native plantings.

Hardy Hibiscus Disco Ball

Balloon Flower (short variety)

Red Beebalm

My hardy hibiscus is back and beautiful. These grow quite well from seed. If anyone is interested in any seeds, let me know. I have found planting them in the ground rather than in a pot is the most effective way to grow these. They are perennials, although I have noticed that some of the older plants (4-5 years old) don’t do quite as well. Fortunately I have a lot now thanks to reseeding them. The flowers are large (7-8 dia) and although each one only lasts for a day, they are so stunning!

My balloon flowers are mostly in the backyard, but these are another flower that will self seed nearby (no need to do it yourself). I am not sure which variety this is, but I do know that it is one of the shorter species. I have a neighbor who has the taller (24-36″ tall) variety and he always has to stake them. Mine are only about 6-12 tall and work well at the front of a planting bed. My only word of caution is that they come up LATE. I have more than once dug them up accidentally thinking that there isn’t anything growing.

My bee balms are blooming in all their weird wonderful glory. These are a little aggressive with runners, so I try and keep them by themselves since they have been known to take over beds. They tend to grow into our lawn, but Mr. S. just mows them over and enjoys the nice scent. These are supposedly good for making tea (but I haven’t tried it).

Red Lily

Ruffled Peach Lily

My Little Helper

The lilies are still going strong. I don’t know the varieties of either of these, but the ruffled peach one came from a grower in SC from my inlaws.

Maisie was “helping” when I took the pictures and asked if she could be included. How could I say no to my favorite flower of all?

I am still working on my post of Sarah’s front porch and yard. Hopefully tomorrow I will be finished. I am trying to spend some time highlighting the changes in detail. Can’t wait to show it to everyone!