Blooming This Week: Alliums & Native Honeysuckle

May 3, 2012

Allium 'Purple Sensation' w/ Euphorbia

It has rained quite a bit in the last week, so everything is looking quite green (even our sorry looking lawn). But Best of all right now are all of the alliums! There are Purple Sensations starting to bloom all over the yard. They are nice and tall so they POP beautifully out of the planting beds! One of the advantages of these easy to grow bulbs that they fill in the blooming period of the spring bulbs and the summer perennials. My new favorite combination is the Allium ‘Purple Sensation’ with the Euphoria (which is towards the end of its bloom time). I think I will also look at pairing it with my Carolina Phlox, since their bloom times are quite similar as are their heights.

Giant Allium Shubertii

Nectaroscordum (similar to Alliums)

Planting Bed w/ Alliums

Native Honeysuckle Taking Over

Native Honeysuckle reaching out to grab you!

Thanks to all of the rain, the Native Honeysuckle on the Back Deck is going CRAZY! I guess it likes the weather this year. I’ve already trimmed it once but it is in need of another haircut SOON! Mr. S. made a face at it this morning as he was leaving for work (which means cut that thing before I do it!). It does sort of look like it is going to grab you.

What is blooming in your yard right now?