Blooming This Week: Alliums, Baptisia & Rhododendron

May 10, 2012

Front Garden Texture: Allium Shubertii, Peonies & Penstemon 'Husker Red'

It has been raining for days here, okay so it is more like rain, drizzle, gray skies, repeat. This morning was the first real blue sky I have seen in a while. So I took this opportunity to take my weekly garden photos. What is hard to see in the photos is that everything grew at least 6″ in the last week. I think the plants really enjoyed the cooler weather and rain, but I have been itching to get outside.

Allium 'Karataviense'

I have been waiting for weeks to finally see my newly planted Allium ‘Karataviense’ to bloom alongside my caramel heuchera, and they finally popped a couple of days ago.

Allium & Huechera

Allium & Irises

Allium Shubertii

My Allium ‘Purple Sensations’ got a little pummeled by the rain, but most seem to have survived, if a little droopy. My Allium ‘Shubertii’ is HUGE (think beach ball sized). Can you tell how much I am loving my alliums right now?

False Indigo

Amsonia (Blue star)


The Baptisias (False Indigo) that I planted last year are looking great. I’ve heard that they don’t transplant well but if you leave them alone they will grow very nicely with little water. So far so good. Typically they come in blue and purple, but I quite like the yellow. My Amsonias (Bluestar) are also doing quite well. They tend to look a little sparse the first couple of years, but once they are happy they will also do quite well with little water. I guess it helps that both are native plants.

My big old Rhododendron is also blooming. It is at least 50 years old based on the trunk. I actually need to do quite a bit of pruning on it this year, to thin out some old branches and cut it back to size, but that will have to wait until after I enjoy its blooms.

What is blooming in your garden right now?