Archives For Heidi

I stopped over Andi and Neil’s house on Tuesday to see how everything looked. The contractors finished up on the previous Friday so they are officially up and running! We still have to work on accessories and a window valance. After that I will actually have a photo shoot. In the meantime I know that there are some people anxiously awaiting to see how it came out. I don’t think Ikea cabinets have looked this good in a while. So without further ado…

North Wall with marble tile backsplash

North Wall, with new gas range and mircowave. You will also see the beautiful "Ming" Marble tile. The contractor installed these super tight, so there isn't a grout joint to clean.

West Wall (window valance still needs to be added). Custom butcherblock over the radiator cover

South Wall with new giant farmhouse sink. They had enough extra tile that they were able to tile the walls on either side of the sink as well.

East Wall: Custom chalk and cork side panel. This unscrews from the inside in case they need to take it down to move stuff in and out of the basement. Andi also painted with a metalic primer under the chalkboard so that magnets will stick.

Beadboard and beam ceiling with schoolhouse lights

Detail of painted dovetail cabinet door with final knob

Existing Brick wall with granite counter and fiestaware sugar bowl

Original Mood Board

North and West Wall Before

South Wall Before

East Wall Before

P.S. Tomorrow I will have a post on some options for accessories for the space.

New Desk Chairs

October 19, 2011

Our old Ikea Office Chair, it has provided many hours of comfort!

The desk chairs that we use at our desk in our alcove off of the Dining Room are showing some (okay a LOT of wear). The main chair has had a hole in the front corner for a couple of months but now the foam has started disintegrating at the front, leaving a not so attractive pile of dust underneath it. Yuck! We have had them for quite some time (at least 8 years) and we bought them on sale at Ikea, so I feel like we have gotten a good return on investment and it is time to retire the most well loved chair and move the other one upstairs to my “someday” office. Of course when we bought them we actually had an “office” set up in one of the bedrooms, so comfort trumped style. Now a days our desk is right out in the open, so we need something that is still comfortable, but also has some style! I did some searching on the internet to see what my options were and was surprised at how little I found that met my parameters, and how expensive most of them were. I didn’t think this would be so difficult and if I am going to spend a few hundred dollars on one, it better look great and be comfortable!

Desk Chair Requirements

1. Comfortable (i.e must have upholstered seat and back and ideally adjustable)
2. Stylish! Something vaguely retro that can coexist with our fiberglass shell chairs.
3. On wheels!
4. Arms that aren’t too big (or none at all) so that at least part of the chair would fit under the desk.
5. Durable enough fabric for 2 kids and someone who has a habit of spilling coffee (that would be me).
6. A matching pair.

So far there is only 1 in the running, and it will require reupholstery!

Vintage Saarinen Executive Chair by Knoll

So after a brief search on my normal go to shops (overstock, pottery barn, ballard design, west elm, crate and barrel, cb2…) I decided to look on ebay. Pretty quickly I found the above chair and I was in love. This is a vintage Saarinen “Executive Chair” by Knoll. They still make these with a slightly different base (at a price of about $1600!). The vintage ones vary drastically in price and some are knock-offs. I am actually finding it very difficult to tell the difference between the real ones and the fake ones. I think this is partially due to most of them being reupholstered and there does not appear to be a good permanent tag. They vary between about $200-800 depending on condition and whether they are claiming that they are original. I think I will probably want to reupholster anything we get with a durable fabric, so I am thinking about buying them as cheap as possible with the goal of reupholstering them. Of course then I will need to find a durable but cool fabric (because with this shape it deserves an awesome fabric!). Maybe even possibly a retro Knoll fabric in an interesting color.  I think it will play nicely with our Dining Room Fiberglass Shell Chairs (by Modernica)…

Modernica Fiberglass Shell Chair (based on the original Eames Chairs)

What do you think?

It has been a crazy couple of weeks here. I had a big presentation to put together at the office, had to call lots of contractors for work (not a fun job!), taught 2 architectural studio classes, had a Zoning Hearing Board meeting, worked on the basement, had a long overdue Mom night’s out with my Mom Group, and tried to keep the kids happy all while not pulling my hair out. Mr. S was really helpful with the kids, including putting them to bed without me several times (it is really hard for me when I miss bedtime). My head is still a big swirly mess, but I am hoping to regain my sanity starting today.

Basement Progress: The non-load bearing part of the wall between the 2 main spaces has been removed as well as the rest of the wall on the left. The column on the left is the temporary one we added in September. The one in the middle is original. We will be adding a new column near the temporary one and one to the right (near the Ikea island) and removing the one in the middle per our structural engineer's recommendations.

Basement Progress: The wall in the distance has been completely stripped. You can also see our lovely (but extremely heavy) vintage safe (it came with the house). Column in the middle to be removed after the 2 new columns are installed.

Back door with stripped foundation walls. I actually kind of like the looks of this. Although we need to seal off these walls, they have a beautiful quality to them. I also like the beadboard and stone together. Very rustic farmhouse!

Mr. S was also busy this weekend in the basement! He has been very inspired to get the basement stripped back to its original foundation and I have been finding it is surprisingly rewarding to clear out the basement. We also had the plumber over to start mapping out the demolition of the old plumbing in the disgusting basement bathroom (so ugly in fact that I can’t show you a picture). Once we get the bathroom plumbing capped (hopefully later this week) we can start to figure out the new plumbing arrangement for the bathroom down there (which has to be done before they install the french drain and new skim coat on the floor). I also need to start looking at shower stalls. I am thinking of that opens at the corner. Maybe like this…

Round Corner Shower by ABS, $560 at Home Depot

For the bathroom we will also be using our old vintage sink that use to be in our upstairs bathroom (yeah, free and cute!). We are still deciding whether or not we will reuse the existing toilet. hmmm…. More decisions to make!

Also on the list this week is getting our Electrician over to remove some of the old wiring and our contractor to see about adding the new columns and their foundations.

P.S. Andi and Neil’s kitchen is finished (well except for the pretty accessories) and I am going to head over there to take some pictures. So stay tuned for an update later this week!

Fall Is Here

October 14, 2011

A Barn Spider (one of several in the backyard). The kids LOVE to watch him. Fortunately I am told that they are not poisonous. This one (at least the 3 generation at this location) lives right on the deck where the kids can visit him often. We also found out the Charlotte (from Charlotte's Web) is a Barn Spider. Apparently they rebuild their web every night. No words yet!

This week has been crazy for me and I am feeling pretty worn out at the moment and I am really looking forward to the weekend. The last couple of days the weather has been drizzly, not a good pick me up! Fortunately the sky is starting to brighten up today although the ground is wet and the leaves have started to drop (and the mosquitoes are still out in force). It is really feeling like fall! I decided that it was a good morning to take some pictures of the yard (while I let the kids run around for a little bit). So I hope you enjoy!

The birch tree is starting to drop its leaves. I love how the small yellow leaves look, unfortunately it is difficult and time consuming to get them out of the planting bed.

This lace cap hydrangea is still going! The pink flowers have faded to this lovely pinky wine color. My other hydrangeas gave up long ago.

Most things have stopped blooming but the toad lilies are just getting starting to reach their full bloom and should go for another month or so.

I planted some lily tubers this spring (on special at Home Depot). It took forever for them to come up. It is a pleasant surprise that a couple of them finally decided to bloom, especially so late in the season.

These chives look lovely. I planted these from seed several years ago in a pot on my deck. They survived the winter so I put them in the ground. They have been happily growing ever since. I quite like the seed heads (which were lovely white balls over the summer). Plus they are handy for dinner!

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend! We will be eating lots of apples and hopefully hanging out at home (although the basement demolition is still lurking and there are still a few perennials that need to go in the ground). It might be time to turn the gas logs in our fireplace back on in the Living Room. We barely got to use them this spring (by the time they were installed). Of course this means that the batcave and the pink princess castle will have to move to another location.


Mood Board: Early Fall

October 11, 2011

Early Fall Mood Board

I decided to take a mental break and put together a mood board for early fall.  I’ve been focused  a lot on work (both at work and at home) lately and have been feeling like I need to let my own style peek out a little more.

Kite Hill by Paul Octavious

First Snow by Paul Octavious

I am in LOVE with these 2 photos (Kite Hill & First Snow)  by photographer Paul Octavious available on 20×200 (each $50 for 11″x14″). I like the comparision of the 2 seasons but also the bits of color and whimsy of the children paired with the strong horizon. I used these as my jumping off point (which is kind of funny since it is currently fall not summer or winter). 

English Arm Chair by Hickory Chair

I next chose a comfy chair by Hicory Chair to contrast some of the brighter colors of the space. I love the beautiful “english arm” and deep leather, it is exactly what I want to sink into now that the weather has started to get colder.  I paired this with a beautiful pillow from Etsy that brings out the colors from the photographs but in a more sophisticated but still playful way. I also used a beautifully textured throw from Terrain but no longer available.

I decided to make the big pop of color on the floor. This is an amazing rug by Angela Adams. I have admired her use of pattern for some time but really like the texture and pattern of this hand tufted yellow rug. To continue with the texture and to contrast with the smooth leather of the chair I chose a paper-maiche side table by Stray Dog design for West Elm ($149). It is crafted out 100% recycled materials.

For the walls I chose a moody blueish gray painted on a textured wallpaper. I really like the concept of textured wallpaper, although only recently have more modern patterns been available. This one is from Graham and Brown. Finally I chose a curtain in a similar but slightly darker color and a nice heavy weight (West Elm, $29-69).

What do you think? Would you like to sit here and read a book?

The largest Basement "room" under the Kitchen (walls to be demolished)

I wish I had more exciting images to show today but we spent a good part of the weekend working on the basement (and emptying out what we could to the garage storage loft). Basements in old houses are a funny thing, they were never meant to serve a purpose except house the boiler/furnace. They usually only had dirt floors and very low ceilings. The walls are typically stone rubble with a parge coat on it to keep the water out. Our basement has unusually high ceilings for a house of our vintage (that may be because it was built up on a mound). The previous owner (aka Tony that Cheap SOB) “finished our basement” back in the 1970s. That meant that he covered the exterior foundation walls with a stud wall, filled it with insulation, put up a plastic vapor barrier and covered with paneling. Unfortunately before he did this, he did not find a way to remove the inevitable moisture build up from the walls. Instead that moisture has been stuck behind these walls for 30+ years, creating a nasty mess! We have known of the potential issues for a while, but with the summer rain (20+ inches in August alone) we have had to make the basement a priority. So for the time being the plans for the Master Bedroom are on hold while we do some demolition and come up with a game plan for the basement.

Foundation after stud wall was removed. You can see the parging is still partially there.

What to do with an old basement?

Ideally in a basement like ours, which gets damp in the summer and wet in extreme weather (when the water table rises to a high level) you would parge the walls, install a french drain around the inside perimeter, connect this to a sump pump, seal the slab with a water barrier and call it a day.

In our case we need to use the basement, not for every day living but for:

-laundry (oh, how I wish we had space for an upstairs laundry)
-storage and use of our various tools
-extra pantry storage
-bathroom (there is one down there now, I don’t think I would have added one otherwise)
-My dream of an extra space for possibly an elliptical machine or for working on larger projects
-or Mr. S’s dream of a space to play drums and rock out with the kids

Inspiration Image from Martha Stewart Living

The Game Plan

Create a rustic but usable basement! Kind of like the image above from Martha Stewart Living (image from Designer Tricia Foley‘s basement. Photographed by Eric Piasecki). I first saw this basement on doorsixteen.


-Finish Demolishing the stud walls in front of all of the foundation walls (we always wear special replaceable cartridge masks that are recommended for both mold, lead and asbestos and clothes that immediately go into the wash after working).
-Salvage beadboard where possible for re-installation
-Demolish the old shower and prep the connections for a future bath
-Demolish the couple of interior walls
-Remove all of the old electric, including lights and outlets
-Install 2 new columns and footings (per my structural engineer’s recommendations)
-Install new angle per structural engineer’s recommendation
-Have Drainage contractor out (it took over a month to get an appointment to have him even look at it!)

November (somehow I have a feeling this may be later then this):
-Clean up and parge foundation walls
-Cut out foundation at exterior walls and install french drain system (this will have a special lip to collect water from the walls and send it to the sump pump)
-Install new sump pump system w/ battery backup (drain out front of house)
-Install new skim coat to concrete floor w/ waterproofing layer

-Have my general contractor install new walls in front of foundation walls using an air gap, pressure-treated sill plates, mineral wool insulation (which isn’t affected by moisture) and cladding walls with horizontal beadboard, using a plastic baseboard product that will have exposed screws, such that we can check the condition of the wall behind
-Install new electrical outlets and lights (I am thinking LED downlights)
-Install new interior partitions to create a bath w/ shower, laundry nook, workroom and large double room space for storage and multifunction use.
-Install new plumbing fixtures
-Install a new ceiling using a beadboard system that would allow access above in certain areas (i.e. where the electric and plumbing come into the building and where there are water connections)
-Whitewash all of the beadboard
-Install a yet to be determined floor (Mr. S. likes cork, I’m still investigating whether it will be suitable for a basement application installed over a plastic and plywood sub-floor product).

Phew, I’m tired just thinking about it!

Piersphone Fountain at one of the local art museums. I love how playful she is! (unfortunately I can't make out the artist's name on the plaque)

Charleston feels so lush (at least the few times I have been there), I’m sure part of that is due to the mild climate, humid weather and frequent thunderstorms that keep the plants looking full and lovely. The warm client also allows for some annuals to be almost perennials and for tropical plants to thrive (and I do LOVE  tropical plants). Below are some of the beautiful window boxes I saw along with some nice stunning vines growing up the fences and buildings. Where possible I tried to list the name of the plants (most of which can be grown as annuals in more northern climates). If you know the name of any of the unknown plants, please let me know. Enjoy!

Window Boxes

Planter Box placed on a fence planted with: purple coleus (possibly 'apocalypse'),red geraniums & red gerbera daisies

Window Box planted with lime green sweet potato vine (var. Marguerite), 2 varieties of coleus (purple and red), caladium and white impatiens

Series of window boxes planted with purple petunias, lime green sweet potato vine & unknown variegated grassy plant

Window Box planted with lime green sweet potato vine, 2 varieties of coleus, white impatiens, Purple Heat (Tradescantia pallida) and unknown green and yellow plant


Bittersweet climbing the masonry (apparently these cling quite strongly to walls ). These also require a male plant nearby.

Cardinal Vine Gentally climbing an old iron fence. Typically an annual (although oftern reseed). Also known as the Hummingbird Vine.

P.S. Here are the link to my other Charleston posts about ironwork and woodwork and dining.

New Bench, Wall Color and Fabric with rug samples (sorry the photo is a bit dark, I only had my small camera)

I checked in yesterday at Zdenka and Zafar’s house. Zdenka has been busy painting the walls and putting together the new Ikea Tjusig bench. She also picked up some Dash and Albert rug samples to look at and the fabric, hooks, mirror and the light fixture have all arrived. Very exciting! Unfortunately the Ekby shelf brackets at Ikea are out of stock with no estimated date for arrival. We are now looking for alternates so we can get her hooks and shelves up on the wall! Also as part of this project they are adding a ceiling fan to the upstairs hallway to help with airflow. This is also ordered and should be delivered shortly too. Then the electrician can come over and install both new fixtures.

The wall color looks great! It is a blue very similar to the blue of the flower on the bench cushion fabric (I have to get the final paint color from Zdenka). I think it will look especially nice after the track lighting goes up on the ceiling. Then we will be able to shine a light down to this portion of the hall and really brighten it up.

Final Rug Selection: Dash and Albert Cotton Rug in Fisher Ticking, 2 1/2'x8'Â $84

The Rug Selection

Picking a Dash and Albert rug is like picking candy from a candy store, they are all so pretty and tempting!  Zdenka brought home samples of the ones with color schemes that would work in the room. The final selection is perfect! It has all of the colors we are working with including several tones of blue, white, green and brown. The feel on the carpet is also very nice and soft. I find some woven cotton rugs feel thin, but this one feels quite thick and soft. The only downside is that it can’t go in the wash (handwash only). They also offer indoor/outdoor rugs that can be hosed off outside. I haven’t felt those in person to see if they feel as soft.

Stunning Door! Makes me want to paint my front door. I also love the detailed coffered ceiling and lantern.

I love good architectural detail and Charleston is a beautiful place to see some! Below is some nice eye candy from our trip. Charleston has quite a bit of nice ironwork, but I was surprised by the amount of Victorian trim and fretwork. I think of the houses being more federal and traditional in style but quite enjoyed some of the Victorian trim. I took these photos while strolling through the residential areas south of Broad. I think I will do a separate post on some of the beautiful window boxes and gardens.

Stunning Ironwork

Ironwork Gate with a Federal Entry with some Victorian Brackets. I quite like the touch of blue on the ceiling. I also like the checkerboard marble landing. It is quite British looking.

Ironwork Gate with Amazing Brownstone Spiral Stairs. Look at the perfectly manicured ivy on the steps.

Stunning Iron & Copper Gate. Another example of the checkerboard marble landing.

Stunning Iron Lamp!

Victorian Woodwork

Victorian Fretwork in a Daisy Pattern. I want to copy this somewhere on my house. After all daisies are my favorite!

Amazing Painted Wood Victorian Gate

Another Beautiful Painted Wood Victorian Gate (from the same house as above)

Mood Board for Front Hall

Zdenka and Zafar have a lovely house, but need some help maximizing storage. They unfortunately don’t have an attic or basement for storage, so they need to be able to store almost everything in the main spaces and closets. With 2 small kids, the front hall and entry is a zone that they want to reorganize to hold coats, shoes and bags. They would also like the space to feel airy and bright. The mood board above shows some of the products that we are looking at using.

Ikea Tjusig Bench, $79.99

Tjusig Shoe Rack, to be used as kids bench, $39.99

Bench Cushion Fabric: Robert Allen Mandala Azure, $17.98

Seating & Shoe Storage

The first item on the list was a bench for both the kids and adults to sit on (and to provide shoe storage). We went with the Ikea Tjusig Bench for the adults and the shorter Tjusig shoe rack for the kids.  I really like the idea of having a seat and storage that are the right size and height for a child. It means that it will be easier for them to get themselves ready! I also picked out this pretty fabric for making cushions for the benches. Zdenka is going to sew them herself!

Mudroom Hook, Anthropologie $8

Trolley Stop Hook, Anthropologie $12

Ikea Ekby Shelf, $26.99

Coat Hooks & Shelves

The next item on our list was coat hooks and shelving. They need lots of hooks for coats, hats and bags. We are going to have 2 tiers above the taller bench and 1 lower tier above the shorter bench. At the top of each set of these we are going to also install shelves (shallower ones lower and deeper ones above). To unify the hooks and shelves we will be installing a matching white board under the shelves that will hold the hooks. This will also allow us to mount the board directly to the studs to ensure that everything is nice and stable!

Pottery Barn Track Light, on sale for $139


The space feels somewhat dark right now. I picked out a long track light to install near the front door. This will allow us to focus some of the light closer to the new benches and hooks without having to install a new electrical box in the ceiling.

Frameless Oval Mirror, Overstock $89


We are replacing the existing dark framed mirror with a pretty frameless oval mirror (we will be hanging this with perpendicular to the picture). This should help to make the space brighter while giving them somewhere to check and make sure they look nice before heading out the door.

Paint Color Option 1

Paint Color Option 2

Wall Color

Zdenka is definitely drawn to an airy cooler color palette punctuated by white trim. In the future they will be adding more wainscotting and trim detail to the staircase (to look closer to the inspirational photos). But in the meantime, they are going to paint the walls a nice soft blue to brighten up the space. Then the white shelves and benches will complement this. As I usually recommend, I gave Zdenka a few paint chips to put up on the wall to see which one she liked. We are also going to try and coordinate with the blue on the fabric.

Dash and Albert Indoor/Outdoor Rug


They already have a lovely oak floor. Currently they have a tan sisal rug in the space. I think this is a good spot to add a bit of pattern and color. I love Dash and Albert rugs! They make both 100% cotton and an indoor/outdoor version in a kinds of stripes and patterns.  I really like the concept of the indoor/outdoor rugs that can be brought outside and hosed off when they get dirty. I find that the cotton ones come is slightly better colors, but the variety is really impressive and I think that they are quite reasonably priced. Zdenka found a local store that carries these and has let her bring several home to see which one she likes.

Next Steps

I am going over tomorrow to take a look at the sample rugs and paint colors and finalize some last details. They have already started using the bench and are anxious to get the hooks up and functional (after all fall is definitely here and the coats are starting to pile up)!