Archives For Heidi

Stacey is still hard at work on her garden. This fall she has planted a bunch of new shrubs for the large back planting bed and we are still discussing which grasses she should plant in the spring to help create some volume for her garden. She has spent a lot of this gardening season working on preparing the planting bed and starting to get some plants in the ground so next year will be a big year for starting to fill out the beds. Which leads to one of the hard parts about starting a new garden, being patient while waiting for the plants to grow and fill in! For a little inspiration I put this rendering together to show her how the planting bed will look once the plants have filled in and we add some grasses and a new tree. I think it will be quite lovely!

Garden Rendering, addition of new shrubs, grasses & a tree

Stacey's Garden from Last Week

The good news is that after all of her hard work the planting bed is ship shape and ready for more plants in the coming year. We also now have started to develop a plant list to work from. I think by next year at this time the garden will really be coming into its own.

View from the Driveway. Isn't the planting bed shape nice?

Here are a few of the pretty details from the garden. I am loving the use of red/purple plants, especially the blueberries (plus they are good to eat!) and the purple smoke bush.

New Arbor!

Stunning Blueberry Bush

Crabapple Tree

In an old house there is a certain amount of excitement when you do demolition because you never know what you are going to find. We have a box of “finds” and have even framed a few up. The underside of our first floor was “insulated” with newspaper in 1900 (in our case the Philadelphia Inquirer). The pieces are pretty fragile but mostly still legible. Here are a couple of our favorites from this weekend:

"Talk-O-Phone" Ad Circa 1900

This photos is of an article about Ben Franklin’s grave. “Practically neglected and forgotten for 116 years, the unpretentious tomb of Benjamin Franklin” at Christ Church graveyard in Philadelphia was redone and “bedecked” (what a good word). I find this very interesting as Ben’s tomb is still a favorite site for visitors today.

Article about 100 year old Ben Franklin Burial Site

This weekend we made our way to the front of the basement (under the Living Room) on our ongoing project to remove all the old 1970s paneling and walls and we (mostly Mr. S.) removed the last major walls in our demolition project. This meant that we had to get a second Bagster for the debris, but it was totally worth it because the satisfaction of getting all the old walls out is hard to beat.

Paint Cans on Old Shelving from September (after removing a LOT of old cans)

Basement wall before Demolition

Demolition All DONE in this area!

We also signed the contract with the company who is going to install a new french drain around the entire perimeter of the basement a special “fabric” over the walls (BQ Basement Systems). They have a pretty long wait list, so it looks like we won’t be able to get this done until January, but in the meantime we still have lots to do. On the current list is:

1. Have our contractor grout the damaged areas on the old stone ruble foundation walls and remove the last wall (behind the washer and dryer)
2. Decide on the shower unit for the bathroom.
3. Rough in for the new bathroom
4. Patch the concrete floor
5. Make some decisions about the locations for future walls for the space.

We also have this crazy idea of creating an opening in one of the brick walls below our brick fireplaces and making a wine cave. I have to talk to my structural engineer about that one (it might cause issues with the shear load on the house).

May 2011 Image w/ Bulb Rendering Including Allium 'Karataviense' (forground) and Nectaroscordum (background)

I spend a lot of time thinking of ways to add more color and a longer growing season to my garden.  My back shade garden (mostly part shade with some part sun towards the front) is the planting bed that I am the most satisfied with right now. It has a pretty long season of interest and changes throughout the season, but I  have not used bulbs in this area except for some snow drops that I have moved to this area over the years (from the lawn and other planting beds). I thought this year was a good time to try and some additional pops of color! I was originally inspired by this photo from Tovah at Plantswise.

Allium 'Karataviense' mixed w/ heuchera (coral bells)

I thought the combination of the shorter allium ‘karataviense; and coral bells was quite beautiful and unexpected! So when I ordered my bulbs this year I tried to think through this area is some detail. I’ve created several renderings over pictures of this garden to help highlight my new additions (since they are just bulbs in the ground right now).

Close Up of Allium 'Karataviense' in front and Nectaroscordum in the middle

To contrast the shorter allium I have also added some taller nectaroscordum to the middle of the bed. These have long stalks and the buds look interesting as well. The little nodding pinky flowers are quite unique.

Nectaroscordum from Brent and Becky's Bulbs

Allium 'Karataviense' from Brent and Becky's Bulbs

Also to add some interest to the planting bed earlier in the spring I have been working on adding more hellebores. Also I have added a bunch of Barr’s Purple Crocus (which the squirrels are not suppose to like). Here is a rendering of the garden earlier in March.

March 2011 w/ addition of Crocuses front and Hellebores middle

Barr's Purple Crocus

New Helleborus 'Golden Lotus' Strain of Winter Jewels (planted in Sept.)

This area is now all planted with the bulbs. Now I just need to finish planting my other bulbs in the front yard. Fingers crossed for a few more nice days!

Fall in the Garden

November 3, 2011

Front Planter, with October Daphne Sedum and a small grass called Feather Grass Ponytails. This sedum just looked okay during the summer but in the last month it has really started to shine (I guess it is living up to its name)! Also behind the plant see the Amsonia tabernaemontana, which has turned the most beautiful golden yellow.

I am always looking for ways to extend the season in the garden.  So today I thought it would be helpful to show you a few of the plants that do well in my garden after the first frost. We went from no frost here, to a couple of inches of sleet followed the next night be a hard frost. I took these pictures yesterday, so I think it is a good indicator of which plants will add some nice fall interest after a lot of the summer plants have faded. Don’t get me wrong, I have plenty of plants that are looking well past their prime, but I think it is important to have a mix of plants to last extend the season. On the opposite end of the spectrum I am in process of adding more spring bulbs to try and get the season started earlier before a lot of the perennials have fully leafed out. I have about 2/3 of my bulb in the ground now but I also need to put a few last perennials and shrubs in before it gets much colder. Fingers crossed the weather this weekend will hold out for me!

My shade planting bed: all of the annual coleus are DEAD but a number of the perennials are hanging in there. The coral bells, painted Japanese ferns, hosta and brunnera are all doing quite well.

Close up under the Birch Tree: I find that some of the ferns come back this time of year after looking quite burned in the middle of the summer. At the bottom are the forget me nots mixed with coral bells.

Toad Lily looking amazing!

Lambs Ear 'Big Ear' Looking great, especially when the morning dew sits on it

Monks Head, looking a little droopy


November 1, 2011

EMERGENCY! I must interrupt my regularly scheduled posts! Batman is on patrol with his trusty sidekick Robin. They are ready to fight the bad guys or at least score some candy!

Sam and Maisie were so EXCITED for Halloween this year. This is the first year that Sam realized that the more houses we go to the more candy we get! Fun was had by all and ended with a stop at the neighbors, a sugar stupor and 2 very tired kids this morning.

Batman and Robin stopping to pose at the firehouse!

If you answered they both arrived here on Saturday morning, you are correct! I ordered a ridiculously giant quantity of bulbs (only about half are mine, the other half belong to several neighbors) and stupidly let the bulb grower decide on a delivery date. Then, my neighbor politely asked last weekend about the status of the bulbs. I thought, well they should be here by now, it is now the second half of October. I now know that the problem is that we technically fall into Zone 7 (but in a lot of ways are closer to Zone 6), which means that we aren’t scheduled until the first week in November, rather than the second half of October. So I called last week and had the bulbs sent right away. In the meantime we missed 2 beautiful weekends of planting and got a weekend that felt more like December than October. The grower I’m sure would argue that you don’t want to be putting the bulbs in the ground until after it cools, but now the ground is frozen! If all goes well the ground will soften up a bit so we can get these in (fingers crossed). I think it is time to pull out my secret weapon; I have a little auger that attached to my drill and helps speed up the process (assuming the ground is not frozen solid!).

We did not get much done this weekend, we needed some down time hibernating! Did anyone have a productive weekend?

P.S. I hope all of my more northerly friends are fairing okay with the snow! My parents are without power and have a bigger tree and branch pile then after the hurricane. Fingers crossed they will get some relief today. Love to all!

New 6x6 pressure treated columns with new concrete reinforced footings. The old post is still in the middle waiting for the concrete to cure.

Cracked Beam w/ new plywood support and upper column w/ plate connecting it to the old beam.

Visually this is not the most exciting post, but I thought I would show you my new columns. It is a big relief to have these two 6″x6″ columns installed with their new footings. The kitchen floor officially has less bounce and I can feel better about the structural stability of the house. This will also allow for the 2 “rooms” in the basement to be open to each other, which I didn’t think would be possible before my structural engineer came out. I would like to add that I had the sizing and the spaces of the columns and footings designed by a structural engineer. For this type of work it is ESSENTIAL to call the big guns in!  It is well worth the relatively little cost. Below is my mark up of this are before. Even though the basement still looks like a disaster, look at how much has been cleared out! We also had some of crazy electric taken out and our drainage contractor finally came out to take measurements for a quote. It doesn’t look like this will be done by the end of the year, but if all goes well at least by the end of winter.

Beam and wall at the beginning of demolition

I hope everyone has a great weekend! We will be busy between continuing to work on the basement and Halloween!

Siteplan from back in April

Stacey has been hard at work on her garden this spring and summer. The planting bed has been laid out, cut, amended and mostly mulched. And she has been carefully adding plants to the beds as well as putting up an arbor. I went to go see it this past weekend and unfortunately forgot to take my camera! Unfortunately it is raining today, but I will go take some photos very soon.  But, we did discuss some options for the main planting bed. Currently she has a number of perennials, but there is a LOT of space to fill and it is still feeling somewhat empty (although this is where you need to be patient as the new plants start to grow).

Stacey's Yard Back in April

I think that some grasses are an excellent choice to fill in the back and middle part of the bed (we are concentrating on the area in the red dashed shape above). These will add height quickly but not be a barrier, as a large evergreen would. I think it would be nice to pair them with some medium size shrubs though to mix up the texture. I picked out a few that I thought would be a nice addition. These won’t get planted until the spring but I think it will be helpful to have a game plan now. I also think we will go with smaller plugs, since most grasses will do well this way and it really keeps the cost down. We are looking for 3-5 varieties (1-2 tall and 2-3 medium) in varying heights and colors. I am also looking for ones that don’t mind clay soil and are somewhat flexible about sunlight. Does anyone have any recommendations?  Photos are from Bluestem Nursery unless noted. Here are my picks so far:



Malepartus Maiden Grass, Flowers are 60"-80" Tall

Feather Reed Grass 'Karl Forrester', Flowers are 60"-80" tall


Korean Feather Grass, 32"-48" tall. Full sun to part shade.

Tall Moor Grass, 32"-40" tall. Sun to part-sun. I like the wispy plumes. These could be planted further forward since the actual grass is smaller.

Decotah Switch Grass, 36"-48" tall. It has a nice green and yellow color mix. Flowers are up to 54" tall.

Pink Muhly Grass, photo taken by my friend Kelly at a local park, 36-42" tall

Tufted Hair Grass, 24-32" tall. Soft plumes. Native but does self-seed.


Rheingold Globe Arborvitae: This could provide a nice contrast to the grasses. Tends to form 3'-5' globe shape. It is soft to the touch and a nice golden color. It is currently on clearance at Home Depot. Photo from Evins Mill Nursery

Evins Mill Nursery

The Bagster: All filled!

It may not look like much progress was made over the last few days, but we have actually done quite a bit. Our contractor was over on Friday to put in the footings for our 2 new columns to support one of the main beams in the house. Now the concrete needs to cure for a while before the final posts can go in. He also added a second temporary column for the time being. We also demoed the bathroom and picked up a Bagster. 

What is the Bagster you ask? It is a giant bag that acts like a mini-dumpster (imagine a super giant Ikea bag). It is less expensive than a dumpster and best of all you can pick it up at your local hardware or big box store. We picked ours up on Saturday morning and laid it out on the driveway and by Saturday afternoon it was full of all the big and awkward stuff we hadn’t put out in the garbage: paneling, studs, the shower stall (broken down thanks to the sawsall), the toilet and sink. I also filled in with some of the clay and concrete that the contractor dug up for the footings. It is just over 8′ long and 4′ wide (to fit a standard sheet of plywood or drywall). And the cost? The bag itself will run you about $30. The pick up cost varies by zipcode. For us it is $139. This is less than a dumpster (which normally start in the $300-400 range) but obviously doesn’t hold as much. It also takes some work to organize your junk since the sides are soft. It won’t stand up until it is about half full. We also tied the handles together, since it is a requirement that the handles have to be able to touch for the crane/truck to pick it up. Now I just need to schedule a pick up. Yeah!

The Gutted Bathroom w/ exposed stack vent/ waste pipe.

The gross unused bathroom (well except for cleaning paint brushes) before demolition

The bathroom demolition went pretty well. Thanks to the sawsall we took the shower out without much difficulty. And fortunately the walls were quite willing to fall down. It was really nice to see this corner emptied out (well except for the big hole under the shower. When the previous owner aka “Tony the cheap”, put in the shower drain he didn’t bother to pour concrete around the drain. No wonder we had some ground water from this area during the hurricane! It was also interesting to see the main wastepipe/stack vent. It was unfortunate to see that the washer drain was so poorly connected to it!

New footings w/ temporary columns. I know it is really hard to see with all of the mess!

New Footing w/ pressure treated columns drying out.

The new reinforced concrete footings are all in! One of the oddities of digging up the floor was that on one side we found clay (as expected) but on the other side we found ash, so they had to dig deeper on that side to find undisturbed earth. Can’t wait until they can get the new columns in!

Basement stairs now that the weird enclosure is gone! On the right is the parging that was never covered up.

Because we had the bagster, we also decided to remove the strange “vestibule” at the bottom of the stairs. Before you would go down the stairs and then open a door to get into the basement. I am not sure what the logic on that one was, I think maybe to keep the cold air from coming up the stairs. I hope to remedy this in other ways.

Kitchen Accessories

Andi and Neil are busy using their new kitchen, BUT we still need to add some color punch! We have agreed on the William Morris inspired fabric for the window valance. We all love their persimmon colored Fiestaware, and I would recommend adding some more decorative Fiestaware pieces but I’ve tried to round out the room with some additional accessories. I am trying to mix some more classic style with some fun retro design to marry the more traditional house with Andi and Neil’s more eclectic style.

1, 2 & 3 Prints by Handz on Etsy: $19-21 a piece for A3 Size (11.7×16.5)

4. Print by Tidbits Photography on Etsy: $15 for 8″x10″

5. William Morris Inspired Fabric for Window Valance: Sweet William in Teal, $9.95 a yard. We are going to do an inside mount so as not cover the millwork.

6. Utensil Kitchen Towel: Frukost Dishtowel, Flatware on Anthropologie $18. This would also be really cute framed or as cafe curtain.

7. Inspirational color palette: Superneutral Decorating Palettes on Martha We have been using this for reference since the beginning of the project.

8. & 9. Persimmon Fiestaware on Ebay.

10. Colorful Coffee Mugs: Modernist Mugs at West Elm, $10 a piece

11. Pretty Foodie Calender: Mini Foodie Calender by Tidbits Photography $14

12. Hanging Glass Planters: Shane Powers Hanging Glass Bubbles at West Elm $9-24

13.  Owl Measuring Cups in Coral: West Elm $19 a set

14. Beautiful Olive Wood Paddle Cutting Boards: West Elm $19-39. I think this would a nice contrast to all of the straight lines.

15. Red Biscuit Tins: West Elm $9-16