Archives For Heidi

Our House by Dan Bob Thompson circa 2006

I wrote my first post exactly one year ago today (wow, time flies)! I looked up some statistics just for fun. In the last year I’ve written 222 posts and I’ve had 22,087 visits from 125 countries. I suppose that I am no longer a novice at this! I am definitely not the best or funniest writer out there but I like to think that I am creating something worthwhile. So to my faithful readers: Thanks for reading! 

I have also been very fortunate to have a supportive family and friends while I try out new things, write this blog and take on more clients. To my family and friends: Thanks and love you all!

I am also starting to think about what changes and new ideas I can bring to the blog. Do you have any ideas for things you would like me to write about?

Many thanks!


P.S. We are off to Kindergarten Orientation tonight. I’m in a little bit of shock that my little man will be going to school next year. Sniff, Sniff…

P.P.S. To check out Dan Bob Thompson’s work click here or his blog here.

Spring is here?

February 27, 2012

Snowdrops (Galanthus)

It feels like Spring is here. I thought I would show you a few things that are sprouting up here. In addition to the snowdrops being in full bloom now and my original patch of hellebores, my columbines are a couple of inches tall as are my sedum/stonecrop. The columbines aren’t too surprising since they are spring flowers but the sedum is usually slow to show up in the garden. I think the weather has thrown them for a loop! I wonder if they will bloom extra early this year.


Autumn Joy Sedum


I am still waiting on my new crocuses to sprout as well as my Chionodoxa. In some of my neighbors beds the crocuses are already blooming. I am really hoping mine are just delayed because I just planted them this fall. I will be really disappointed if they don’t come up! I am also hoping that my new hellebores flower this year. All of them still have green (albeit a bit weathered) leaves, so I am hopeful!

Rendering of Spring Garden using March 2011 Image (purple of crocuses and white are hellebores)

Barr's Purple Crocus

Golden Lotus Hellebore

Chionodoxa Forsbeii

What is sprouting in your yard?


Beadboard Progress (as of yesterday afternoon)

My contractors have been busy downstairs! They are busy installing the beadboard, finishing up some of the electric, and getting further along on the bathroom.

I thought I would give you a recap on all of the process for getting to this point.

It is a little sad that the current state doesn’t look that different from the old walls (at least in the photos). However it feels totally different in person.  Before the details close up always looked patched together (the previous owner really liked to literally nail small pieces of board together). Now it is rock solid and detailed beautifully.

Detail at Window Sill

I let my contractor figure out the best way to detail the connection between the horizontal and vertical beadboard. He went with a simple 45 degreee cut that looks great! He has also been scoping out 3 home depots to find the best pine beadboard pieces for us.

Laundry Alcove

We finally have an actual laundry area (the washer and dryer has always been somewhat randomly placed in the basement). There is enough space to the right for a 2′ wide x 1′-6″ deep shelf which I am super excited about! There will be a soffit installed towards the top of the area and I am planning on painting the ugly PVC piping to match the walls. I think I may leave the metal dryer vent exposed, since I don’t mind a little bit of metal.

I have also started to play with some watered down paint samples. I might try a bigger sample behind the washer and dryer this weekend.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

* To see all of the posts about our basement click here.

Outdoor Pillows & World Market

February 23, 2012

Beautiful New Pillows!

Sorry  I have been a little off in my posting this week. We have lots of stuff going on this week. The good news is that the basement is still moving along and the first of the beadboard has gone up in our laundry area (it is very nice). More to come soon! I also have a new computer (still to be configured) so posting should be a little easier shortly, after I get all the kinks worked out! They are also moving the router and some wiring in the basement today, so my internet service is a little spotty (i.e. for the last 5 hours).

So anyway back to my post, last year I searched and searched for the perfect pillows and side table for my front porch. I ended up making some pillows and then I finally found a table this winter. Well wouldn’t you know it, I have now found the perfect pillows at a reasonable price! The pattern is really nice! It is just the right mix of a somewhat traditional print with a more whimsical feeling  with a modern bright color palette (which happen to coordinate with my exterior color palette perfectly). Now I am a little torn about whether I should replace the pillows I made or not. Maybe I will  buy these and use them in the backyard. I think the chair cushions will look very nice on our Adirondack chairs.

The pillows and seat cushions are from World Market. I have never ordered from them, but I have admired some of their outdoor furniture and umbrellas before. I’ve heard generally good things about them, so I think it might be time to give them a try! I am also excited to see what else they will come out with later this spring. This weather has put me in a full spring frame of mind!

Here are a few curtains that caught my eye (and look similar to some much more expensive options from other companies):

Cool Paisley Garden Curtain, $26.99 on sale

Warm Garden Paisley Curtain, $26.99 on sale

Suzani Print Curtain, $26.99 on sale

Has anyone ordered from World Market before?

New Light and Towel Ring & Hooks

I hope everyone had a nice weekend. Mr. S had the day off so we had a nice low key day with the family here! It has already been a busy week here on the basement. Both the plumber and contractor were here yesterday!

I thought it was about time that I show you the light I chose and the coordinating towel ring and hook (by Pegasus that I just happened to find on clearance at Home Depot). I also have the actual shower wall tile and the faux slate flooring. It is nice to see it all together. And at this rate we might even start to see some beadboard walls in the next day. Yeah!

More Stud Walls!

The plumber is done with all of his rough ins, electric is started and the studs are pretty much all in (except for the workroom which we will do after the rest of the basement is finished). It is still hard to imagine the space finished, but we are getting so much closer! Yeah!

New Sconce for above the sink (there will be 2 mounted on either side of the round mirror).

So in the end I went with Option #2 from the bathroom sconces. It is the By Gone Classic Bath Light from Shades of Light. I really liked the “bead” detail around the top and bottom of the glass. I also picked up the round mirror from Ikea over the weekend. I am still pretty indecisive about storage for the bathroom, but I figured that can be figured out after everything else is in. I did pick up an inexpensive shelf from Ikea, which I may try to use.

Paint Swatches

I don’t think I have shown you the paint swatches yet either. I am thinking of the lightest tan (white truffle from Behr) for the main part of the walls with the blue (rain washed) for the bathroom and the top of the walls. I think I may try a halftone of the blue. I like the color but think it might be a tad dark. I am also thinking of doing the baseboard and miscellaneous trim in bright white to contrast the light tan. For the baseboard we are using a plastic product (to avoid moisture issues) so it is already white, so it is very tempting to not paint it.

What do you think? I can’t wait to be able to show you some beadboard!

* To see all of the posts about our basement click here.

Spring Bulbs at Terrain w/ Vintage Door. None of these are blooming in the actual garden yet.

The weather has been so strangely warm here. It feels like it is March or April especially with the rain. Yesterday was downright dreary so a little cheering up was in order!  I was out west of here yesterday, so it was a good excuse to stop by Terrain at Styers (one of my FAVORITE places). I am on the look out for some accessories for the basement and their vignettes are always inspiring! I hope you enjoy and have a great weekend!

Mix of beautiful winter interest perennials

I thought these winter interest perennials were really inspiring. It is impressive that there are not any flowers in this creation (just lots of lovely color and texture). I really am loving the red stems of the dogwood bushes (at the top). It seems like pairing these with a bright green evergreen right behind it would be really nice. Or maybe in a planter under planted with acid green/yellow grass (like golden sweet flag grass). hmm…I will have to return to this picture next time I am trying to layout a bed (it is so easy to get distracted by pretty flowers once spring appears for real).

Planters on Clearance

I loved some of the planters on clearance. Of course I don’t have a place for any of these, so I restrained myself. I did pick up one of the old grape crates at the bottom of the picture for the new basement bathroom. I’m not sure how I am going to use it yet, but it has a lot of character! I am really into the old log that has been hollowed out.  It could add instant interest to a new garden.

Inside I was really drawn to this arrangement made of ornamental cabbage (not roses)!

Inside I was drawn to this plaid sofa. Very simple and beautiful. This flower arrangement also made me swoon. I would have never thought of using ornamental cabbage in this way!

I love these mirrors. The mix of weathered wood, metal and glass is really nice and quite masculine looking.

I will be back next week with more basement posts, so stay tuned!

Basement Wall w/ Studs and New Beam to help support the Kitchen Floor

I hope everyone had a lovely Valentine’s Day. I actually got to spend a couple of hours with Mr. S. minus the kids (which was very special)! My little valentines have been busy eating lots of chocolate and lollipops. I think that they are having a little bit of sugar withdrawal today.

New Cold Water Pipes (amongst all of the other stuff that goes on in a basement ceiling)

Sistered Floor Joists w/ new Joist Hangers (for the Living Room Floor)

It is another exciting day in our basement! The plumber is here running the new lines to our basement bath! Meanwhile our contractor has been busy the last couple of days putting up the stud walls and is just starting to run the electric (he will be back on Monday to keep going). The plumber needs about a day and a half to run the new water lines, partially because he is also replacing the main cold line that runs through the basement (it is not in the best of shape). The good news is that it will put us much closer to actually getting the basement walls finished. Our contractors have also been adding some additional structure reinforcing for my first floor as they go. Some of the structure on our old house is a little wonky and bouncy so we have been reinforcing where possible as we go (and with the advice of a structural engineer). It is one of the big advantages of fully demoing the basement. The kids can officially dance in the Living Room now without worrying about shaking the rest of the house!

The bathroom sconces also arrived and I managed to score some coordinating towel ring, hooks and toilet paper holder on clearance at Home Depot (it was pure luck that they coordinated so well). I still need to make a trip over to Ikea to pick up the round mirror and see what they have in the way of shelving for above the toilet, but at least I have a general strategy which is progress.

Fingers crossed next week I will have some exciting photos of  some almost “finished” walls.

* To see all of the posts about our basement click here.

Carpet Tile Samples (sitting in our Dining Room)

I hope everyone had a good weekend! We were in birthday party mode, which is great for the kids but not so good for getting much done.  We did manage to put up a little bit more insulation in the basement. We realized where we were storing the extra rigid insulation (2’x’8′ pieces) is in an area that is about to be very difficult to access (at least for giant pieces of foam), due to the shower location. We carefully  feed the 10 pieces through the studs of the shower and out to the large room in the basement. We also went ahead and put up every last bit that we could except for the final wall where we still need to wait on the pvc waste pipe to go in. So for the time being the large pieces are being stored in that area. We have also scheduled our trusty plumber to come by on Wednesday for the rough-ins for the bathroom, which we are almost ready for (a few small things need to go in first).

So anyway, back to my Carpet Tile Story. I decided to order carpet tile from an online store called Carpet USA after scouring the internet and a few local places for a good deal on carpet tile. They offer some INCREDIBLE deals on inexpensive carpet tile. I got to be my own guinea pig in this case and gave them a try. After spending a couple of hours sorting through their selections of $.69 sf carpet tile I decided on the one above. Of course I only had a picture to look at, not a nice sample to check the actual color. So the verdict? It is slightly different hue than the photo online, but definitely close enough that we are okay with it. In person I think the blue-green is a little more green and the gray has a slight hint of purple. The texture is nice (although quite thin since it is designed for office space) and the backing is nice and thick.  So I think it is a winner! The most interesting part besides talking to the very nice southern guy from the store was going to pick it up!

Part of the good deal on shipping ($99) is due to having it either delivered to a work address or picking it up at the shipping terminal/warehouse. Since we live only a few miles from the shipping warehouse I went that route.  The warehouse is in a strange area filled with lots of truck bays, semis and unmarked doors (right near the Philly airport)! I was over in the same area a long time ago picking something up. You definitely feel out of place. The first trouble I had was the address. The address covers 2 giant buildings. I had the name of what I thought was the shipping company so I drove slowly past all of the doors 3 times looking for it (while trying to stay out of the way of a bunch of trucks). I was driving our old Explorer which the kids have affectionately named “The Mommy Truck”, so at least I didn’t feel extremely tiny. After that I called the 800 number, which forwarded me to the local company. They assured me that I was at the right address and they were “in the middle”. So I drove around again without luck. I called again. This time she told me that the name on the door was a different name then the one I had been previously given. hmmm…isn’t that something that would be important to mention earlier? So I finally found the right door and parked. I walk in and they stared at me. The lady I talked to on the phone was confused because she assumed I was coming in a commercial truck. Interesting! Fortunately after I stood there for a minute another guy came out and said that he had my slip and to pull around to the loading dock. So me in my “little” explorer backed up into the semi sized loading dock and a guy with a fork lift brought out my tiles. It was a pretty funny sight! Fortunately when I had ordered the tile I had asked the guy about getting it into my car. He said that the carpet tile would be on a palette wrapped in plastic wrap and to just ask them to remove the plastic wrap and load it in (part of the deal is that they won’t help you put it in your vehicle). Fortunately the guy with the forklift gladly cut the plastic wrap for me and even helped me load it into the back of the truck. I had brought my work gloves and worn my old coat and in the end it took about 2 minutes once I backed up. I think next time I will opt for the business delivery!

Now I have to store the carpet tiles until we need them (probably about a month). For now they are still in the back of the mommy truck, but they may need to move into the garage depending on how everything goes in the next month.

Kolja Mirror from Ikea, $14.99

In other exciting basement news, I ordered the sconces for the bathroom. They should arrive today (stay tuned for pictures)! I am also rethinking the mirror above the sink. I realized that the old mirror may not fit comfortably with the sconces (and I don’t want it to look like I squeezed them in just for the sake of reusing the mirror). I am thinking of using a round mirror. I found this one at Ikea for $14.99 and the sconces should fit comfortably and it is even designed for wet spaces! I would also like to put a small glass shelf below, but I haven’t picked one out yet. I have also been looking at storage options for above the toilet, but haven’t found a clear winner yet. I think I might see what is at Ikea next week. I might go with a simple shelf and some metal wire locker baskets, which are quite popular right now.

Adjustable Glass Shower Door from Overstock, $584.50

We are also still unsure about what we are going to go about the shower door. I would like a pivoting glass door, but given the cost we may go with a shower curtain for now (since it would be easy enough to add later). My mom did find this one, the Dreamline Allure Adjustable 36-43″ shower door at Overstock. I also looked at some standard ones at Home Depot. The standard ones at Home Depot are all quite short, which I don’t like. I think we will need to see where the budget is when we get a little further along.

Anyone have any good leads on glass shower doors?

* To see all of the posts about our basement click here.

Our New Bathroom! And look it will even have a regular size door on it!

Our contractors were busy yesterday putting up the studs for our basement bathroom! It was a very exciting day here. I squealing in delight at them (fortunately they know me pretty well by now) and after they were gone I did a little dance in our “petite” bathroom (and by petite I mean larger than our upstairs bathroom) .

Sink and Toilet Wall

For our bathroom is using a mix of new and old things. We are reusing our old small sink from our upstairs bathroom. It has been patiently waiting up on the third floor for the last 10 years. Yeah Free! And yeah one more thing out of the 3rd floor! It is cute and vintage (probably from the 20s-30s)  but not particularly practical for the main bath (lack of flat space). We are also reusing the mirror from the old basement bathroom. The frame is an unfinished wood. I haven’t decided what color I am going to paint it yet, but the glass is nice and thick and sturdy, so it should hold up just fine. I am going to buy some kind of shelving for above the toilet. I have started looking but haven’t found anything that I like and is inexpensive yet. For the toilet we are buying a new dual flush. We could have reused the old toilet, but it was NOT efficient so the decision was made to upgrade to new one. One added benefit of the dual flush is that the tank is very small, so the toilet itself is a couple of inches shallower than a typical toilet (very helpful for a small bathroom).

Shower Alcove

I’ve already shown you all of the exciting things for the new shower. Now just try and imagine! 🙂

Now it is time for the plumber to come in and do all of the rough ins for the plumbing. This also involves redoing the main hot and cold lines and the lines and the connections to the upstairs bath (we will be connecting to them at the back wall of the bathroom behind the shower). This should clear out quite a bit in the bathroom ceiling. The existing gas line and radiator line, will be painted and left below the beadboard ceiling.

I also picked up the carpet tile yesterday which was a whole other adventure involving me driving around in our old explorer (aka “the Mommy Truck”) in between big semi-trucks (so stay tuned for that on Monday!).

* To see all of the posts about our basement click here.

New Concrete Floor!

It might look like a baby step, but having a concrete floor again is very exciting (except for the fact that we will be without a washer and dryer for another day or so while it dries)! Yesterday our contractors moved the drain for the shower pan which required removing some more concrete and dirt and adding to the pvc waste line (we decided to shift it over to avoid the main beam and give ourselves a couple more inches of headroom). They also had to dig out some more dirt so that they could get a thick enough slab for the floor. Then they poured it yesterday afternoon so it could start curing over night.

Shower Pan Drain Pipe

Bottom of Shower Pan

My favorite move on their part is using the styrofoam block as a form to keep the concrete away from the drain for the shower pan (which sticks down a couple of inches). When they set the shower pan they will use a sandy grout mix to keep the floor feeling solid.

So next up is actual setting the shower pan, so that they can start framing the walls for the bathroom up. The bathroom down there use to be open to front room (really weird I know!) so I am really excited at the concept of having an actual bathroom with 4 walls! We aren’t adding very many walls in the basement (except for framing out all of the exterior walls) so hopefully it will start feeling more like a finished space soon.

* To see all of the posts about our basement click here.