Archives For Heidi

Beadboard and Beam Basement Ceiling

My neck (and Mr. S’s) is a little sore but the ceiling is painted! Yeah! It took a couple of coats of ceiling paint but it is finished. We used 1 coat on the beadboard panels themselves (which were already white) and 2 coats on the wood beams. Mr S. manned the paintbrush and I used the small roller. The great news about this being finished is that we are one step closer to installing carpet. We still have a fair amount of trim to paint (mostly in the windows) but most of the large surfaces are finished, which feels great.

More White Ceiling & Trim

The Work Room

We also managed to clear out some space in the work room so our contractors can install drywall this week. Besides drywall they are going to relocate a few of our old florescent fixtures for the room and put them on a switch for us. We are not going to put a ceiling in here right now and I don’t want to spend more than we have to in this space, so we thought reusing the old lights in here made the most sense (at least for now).

The Work Room Plan

The plan for this room is that it will be for using all of our wood working tools and for house projects. It is hard to see the space right now because we have shelves awkwardly placed in the middle of the room but there should be space for:

Front Bay Area for Work Bench

1. Work Bench: This will go in the front bay and have some open shelving below to hold some of our power tools. I actually already own the legs for this and it should be a fairly quick install.

Long Wall for Shelving

2. Long Wall of Shelves: We haven’t decided what kind (whether we will reuse our old wood ikea shelves or the old wire shelves that were there before). This will hold paint, wood & miscellaneous house parts. The old shelves were never used very efficiently, so I hope to remedy this with the new layout.

3. Peg Board: We are going to install peg board on the short wall next to the utility sink. This will be good for some of the small hand tools. I plan on painting it blue.

4. Work Table: Fingers crossed there will be enough space for a medium size work table in the middle of the room. This would be on casters so it could move around. When we do some of our bigger projects there are times that I really need some space to set out my work.

Utility Sink

5. Utility Sink: This is already installed and ready to go! I’ve already made good use of this. It is a little alcove behind the shower. I went with an inexpensive model from Home Depot. I should have upgraded to a better made model. We had to shim the front legs to get the drainage to work at the bottom of the sink. It also required lots of extra support to keep it sitting firmly.

* To see all of the posts about our basement click here.


Deck from Last June

I have been talking about creating some backyard spaces for the kids for a long time (over a year now).  I decided it is time to act now! The kids LOVE being outside but are lacking a good spot to dig and play and it is becoming an issue. We now have a large hole in the grass thanks to a treasure hunt.  I am hoping to provide them with some space that they can call their own and spend some good imagination time.  Our backyard is fairly small and I don’t want to loose too much more grass since we have just enough right now to kick and hit a ball. That pretty much rules out a traditional playset.

I saw this picture last year from and it really resonated with me. We have a deck that sits about 4 1/2′ off of the ground and the space underneath was totally sealed up by lattice. I don’t actually like our deck very much. It serves a useful purpose of a place for the grill, a couple of chairs and a few pots, but it doesn’t have any redeeming qualities otherwise.  I have several native honeysuckles growing on it along with a bunch of grasses and perennials to hide it as much as possible.  So the thought of altering it a little bit to make it more of a play space is very appealing.

Rending of New Kids Area

The Plan

1. Fort under the Deck

On Wednesday I decided to start. I took my jigsaw and made some cuts into the lattice. We now have a door and a window. I will be adding some pine trim to reinforce the lattice and cover the rough edges. Sam can’t quite stand under there, but the kids couldn’t wait to get under there. I gave them a couple pieces of extra rigid foam from the basement to sit on. I will be building a little wooden spot on sleepers sometime soon, but I have a feeling that they will be busy digging in the dirt for a lot of the time. There is some moss under there and I might even plant a few ferns as well. I am also considering ordering some burlap to help give them some more privacy and create a door.

Option 1: Sandbox w/ built in cover that turns into seats.

Option 2: Sandbox w/ corner seats


2. Sandbox

The kids have been asking for a sandbox since they could talk. We used a baby pool filled with sand when they were smaller but they are too big for that now. I also want something that I can cover when not in use. I am still debating 2 options. Option 1 is really cool because it has a cover that turns into a seat. This model is only available in England. But the good news is that over on Ana White’s website someone came up with plans based on the design. Option 2 would be simpler to make but would require some sort of fabric cover.  The one advantage with this one is that I could make it a little bit bigger without having to recalculate all of the dimensions for the plan. We are planning on picking up a couple of beach umbrellas to shade it similar to the Option 2.

The sandbox will sit in between some slate stones on the patio. It may seem like a strange spot, but I like that it is really visible from the kitchen window and will be close to the table if we are sitting outside. In the future this could also easily be filled in with a planting bed or more slate.

Another Rendering of the Back Deck with Slide

3. Slide

I still have plans of installing a slide right off of the deck (I would like to attach it to the bottom rail of the guardrail). I am actually on the hunt on Craigslist and Freecycle for one. I haven’t found quite the right one at the right price, but I have hopes in the next couple of weeks of finding one.

4. Chalkboard

I haven’t decided on a location yet, but I think a chalkboard made of exterior grade plywood would be a good idea. The kids love to draw and I think this might be the answer. I just need to find the right spot to put it.

5. Plants

I temporarily moved the birdbath to the spot in the photo, but I think I will need to move it further from the kid area. I think I will be planting this area with durable perennials and grasses. So far I am leaning towards hosta in the shadier spots and some shorter grasses in between.  I will also probably put in some small stepping stones in between the sandbox and deck.

Next Steps

The good news is that all of this work is doable in small increments. Last year I had bigger plans, that never got done because they couldn’t be broken down into little projects. The kids are old enough now that they will even “help” for brief periods of time, especially if it is for them.

First on the list is reinforcing the trellis. I’ve picked up the wood and just need to do a little cutting and screwing. The total cost so far is about $9.50. Next up will be moving the piece of slate where the sandbox will go and getting the spot ready for the sandbox. I probably won’t get around to building the sandbox for  a couple of weeks but the kids are super excited, which helps keep me motivated.

I hope everyone has a good weekend! We have some painting and cleaning to do in the basement.

Laundry Room Looking Back Towards the Rear Door

It is official, we actually have a laundry “room”! When I say “room” I mean wide corridor, but it is by far the closest thing we have ever had to actual functioning laundry room, so I am going to do a happy dance now. I’ve already done 1 load of laundry and after I put it in the washer I stood there staring at the bathroom for a few minutes. There is still lots to do, including more painting (the ceiling and soffit), shelving to the right of the washer and dryer and more storage but it totally functional and even has new stainless steel hoses to minimize the chance of a leak. I am pretty pleased with the faux slate floor. I had to reinstall several pieces in the bathroom and crank on the laundry area. At least I had practice before I started the second round, so it went quicker. If anyone is using the self adhesive tiles, I do recommend additional adhesive, especially in a concrete installation like ours.

Cute New Ironing Board Cover

I ordered this ironing board cover on Etsy. I loved the bright colors and retro pattern.  I have an idea for a location, but haven’t fully decided yet.

Bathroom w/ new mirror installed

The bathroom also now is sporting a new mirror, a toilet seat and PVC base trim. I still need to install the towel rack, toilet paper holder and hooks. I also need to decide on shelving for above the toilet.

Salvaged Wood Shelf from West Elm, $59-99

Metal Shelf Bracket from VanDykes, $17.99 per pair

I love this Salvaged Wood Shelf from West Elm, but I don’t love the price, especially since I would need 3 or 4. They are even pictured on a plank wall. I found similar metal brackets at VanDykes, but they are on back order until at least next month. So I will have to see if I am up for waiting it out.

In the meantime my contractors will be back on Monday to finish studding and drywalling the work room, so we have lots of clean up to do, and we need to temporarily move a bunch of stuff to around to get it done. I think we are going to hold off on the carpet until that work is done, between the storage and the drywall dust. But the good news is that they will be done with almost everything by next week, so we can actually finally get things finished down there.

* To see all of the posts about our basement click here.


Arbor w/ Forget-Me-Nots in Foreground

It has been another beautiful week in the garden. More and more plants are growing and there are new buds to be seen. A couple of my River Birches are just about to leaf out, which is very exciting! I love their beautiful leaves and it provides a lovely buffer from my neighbors.

Euphorbia (Wood Spurge)


My Euphorbia came from the Scott Arboretum Plant Exchange a few years ago. At first I was not to excited by it, but it seems to have settled in now and is producing its lovely flowers. I have heard that it is poisonous (especially the sap), so I need to keep the kids away. The Forget-Me-Nots are also from the Plant Exchange. They are biannuals, so you need enough to produce seeds for the following year. I seem to have finally gotten the right mix, I have even had to pull some out. I do quite enjoy them.


Old Fashioned Bleeding Hearts

In the full shade area my trillium are up and looking lovely. They only appear for a short time, so I have to make sure to enjoy them while I can. Once the summer heat comes they disappear until the next year. I planted these from bareroot that I bought on ebay. I thought I had killed them since they didn’t sprout the first spring. So needless to say I was very excited when they sprouted the following year. My bleeding hearts only started sprouting last week but I already found the buds of the flower on one of the plants. I love bleeding hearts, and I have divided mine several times to get more. They are such a classic spring time flower.

Paw Paw Tree Flower Buds

Lastly my Paw Paw Tree started budding up this week. The flower will turn a lovely deep purple in a couple of weeks. The only downside is keeping the squirrels away, who definitely think these buds are delicious! This is especially important if I want any Paw Paw fruit this summer. We usually get about 3 fruits off of the tree, but I am hopeful we can increase our yield of these sweet custardy potato shaped fruits.

Main Spaces w/ Safe moved to the side & ceiling in place

We are in the final push to get the main part of the basement complete! My contractors are mostly done and it is up to us to get somethings finished before they come back. I was down there installing more tile and grout earlier today. If all goes well my contractor is going to stop by tomorrow and put on washer and dryer into place (which is why I am busting my you know what to get it finished). Then he can start to install the baseboard in the bathroom and laundry area. We also have some more painting to do (mostly the ceiling) before we can put the carpet tile in. At least the carpet should be fairly straight forward. Unfortunately after we get this area  finished, we will have to temporarily use it as a dumping ground for the workroom, so that they can drywall that space.  Phew, and I said we were in the final push! I guess the final push may last for a little while.

Victorian Safe &Â Pantry Storage

One area I haven’t talked a lot about is our pantry area. This will house an under counter fridge and freezer, as well as our antique Victorian safe. Our contractors were great and managed to move it a few feet to its new location (it weighs about 1000 lbs). Part of the new wood counter will sit on it. This should leave another 14″ or so for storage underneath. I’m not sure what we will put there yet. Above the counter we will either put shelves, wine storage or upper cabinets. We have several of our old upper cabinets that have been waiting to be reused. Unfortunately they are a little musty smelling and need some paint. I may try and use a couple of them mixed with open storage. I imagine lots of containers holding excess pantry items (with pretty labels). I also have been mulling around a couple of ideas for a backsplash (which is why there is plywood instead of beadboard on the wall).

New Stair Paneling

My contractors also finished up the wood beadboard at the stairs. I think it looks awesome (especially considering that they had to attach it on either side without puncturing the insulation behind it). It still needs to be whitewashed but it is really nice to come down the tight stairs and have this on the wall. In the past the parged foundation wall was visible here.  Another great thing about this area is that we have a light right at the bottom of the stairs, so no (okay less) tripping while carrying stuff up and down the stairs.

Faux Slate Vinyl Floor Progress from early this morning

I’ve been busy since this photo was taken but you can get a general idea of how the laundry area flooring is coming along. It is funny how big the space feels without the washer and dryer in it. Time to get back to work! Hopefully I will have more to show soon.

Basket for Holding Toiletries

I did also manage to pick up this adorable bread basket at Target today for $9.99. It is a beautiful coral color and I think it will look nice with my vase and be good for holding miscellaneous toiletries or towels. I am still going back and forth on the shelving in the space, so stay tuned.

* To see all of the posts about our basement click here.

My Garden Helpers

March 26, 2012

Ladybug Girl & Bumblebee Boy

I hope everyone had a good weekend! Today is a busy day here, lots to do and so little time. I should have some exciting photos of the basement (which is reaching a close) tomorrow. But in the meantime I thought I would share my garden helpers, Ladybug Girl and Bumblebee Boy. Ladybug Girl enjoys running around the garden and can now identify crocuses, snowdrops and tulips. Bumblebee Boy enjoys digging holes in the ground and picking flowers. However we have had to have a talk about making friends with the other bumblebees.  On a nice day they can be found getting dirty in the backyard! Which reminds me that I need to get to work on creating some more kids friendly spaces outside  for them. I think I finally have a plan for a fort under the deck, a slide off of the deck, a sandbox next to the deck and a tire swing on the old pine tree. I need to get on that since the kids could really use some space out there. Maybe now that I am about done with the basement, I will have the energy to tackle some outside spaces.


Welcome to Our Basement: Crazy Stairs w/ new beadboard wall

It has been a frustrating couple of days here. I was hoping to give you a good tour of the progress today but we had a water leak on the solder joint for the hot water line to the sink yesterday morning. It ended up leaking overnight and we had a good bit of water on my brand new floor and into the newly drying leveling compound at the washer and dryer area.

Wet Floor!

The good news is that once we discovered it, my contractors came right over and dried it out and fixed the leak (which oddly took 48 hours to show up). The bad news is that several of the vinyl tiles needed to come up and we need some more leveling compound in the bathroom before we can reinstall the tile. It also slowed everything down A LOT.

New Toilet & Old Sink Installed w/ Loose Vinyl Tile Removed

One of the strangest things about the moisture is that the leveling compound bubbled up in one place about 1/2″ and was totally hollow underneath.

The good news is that this means all of the plumbing is in (which is awesome!). We reused our old sink from the upstairs bathroom. It is a really heavy cast iron model, probably from the 1920s. It had been sitting up on our 3rd floor for the last 9+ years, so it is great to see it back in use. The toilet is a dual flush (American Standard H2Option Siphonic) and is nice and petite. The smaller water tank allows for the toilet to sit closer to the wall by a couple of inches, which makes a big difference in a small bathroom. I used this same toilet on Sarah’s Bathroom and she is very happy with it.

The Shower w/ Moen Multi-Function Handshower on Sliding Rail

The Multi-Function Handshower on a sliding rail has also been installed and looks great (don’t have a shower curtain yet so I haven’t personally tested it out). The set is made up on 4 different parts. A Moen 4 Function Handshower, Single Handled Kingsley Lever, Posi-Temp Pressure Balanced Valve and a Drop El to connect the handshower to the wall.

We are still on track to install the rest of the vinyl tile on Sunday. We were hoping to get a start tonight but the leveling compound will most likely still be damp. I guess we may get started with the rough layout without actually adhering them. And it looks like I will be installing the grout on Monday night again, so we can get the washer and dryer back in place on Tuesday. I can’t even say how excited I am to get the washer and dryer back in place with the new floor. That will definitely make my day! I am also thinking that I need to get a water sensor for the washer and dryer area to alert me if there is ever a leak. They also make a model that connects to shut off valve.

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

* To see all of the posts about our basement click here.



Even though it seems like everything has sprouted in the garden, I am being surprised daily by more plants popping up. When new plants sprout it is like a little present. : )The surprise of this week are the Tulip Turkestanica. I bought these on a bit of a whim last fall when I placed my big bulb order from Brent and Becky’s Bulbs. For some reason (I obviously didn’t pay attention to the label) I expected them to bloom a little later. So while I have been waiting patiently for my Chionodoxa to bloom these popped up and started blooming. They are small and delicate, but I love that they have multiple flowers on each stem. These are also suppose to be reasonably good repeat bloomers.




Unfortunately my Barr’s Purple Crocuses have mostly been eaten by the bunnies. They looks stunning for about 2 days before they were slowly eaten over the next several days. I only have 2 still in bloom. The rest have been gnawed down to a little stump. Fortunately my daffodils are still hanging in there (I was afraid with the heat that they would wilt).




My Lungwort (Pulmonaria) is looking lovely, both varieties are blooming and the ‘Majeste’ variety is putting up an extra lovely dark purple bloom.



My muscari (grape hyacinth) are also in bloom and the ‘flaming purissima’ tulips are just about ready to go. These were a recommendation from Tovah at Plantswise. She recommended these as reliable repeat bloomers. I love tulips, but I get frustrated when they only come back once or twice before they disappear. So far so good!

What is popping up in your garden?

Faux Slate Vinyl Tile with Grout

Last night I managed to slog through and install the grout in my faux slate vinyl flooring (TrafficMaster Ceramica Resilient Vinyl Tile in Coastal Gray). I think it looks fairly convincing and it was certainly less expensive and thinner than using real slate. Plus I don’t have to worry about sealing it.

Pre-Mixed Grout in Delorean Gray

I used the recommended premixed grout in Delorean Gray. I can’t say I am a big fan, but they do not recommend the typical dry grout that you mix with water. I found the grout to not be as sticky as I would like and yet at the same time it really stuck to my hands.

Grout Stuck to My Hand

Anyway, it was not particularly difficult, just messy. I stepped in joints several times while I was cleaning the joints with a sponge and it got on my feet and pants leg. Yuck! I assume that they recommend this product because it is suppose to be more flexible. Fingers crossed it will hold up. I will also be putting in some grout sealer after I get the laundry area finished to help the grout lines stay clean. So stay tuned to see how it holds up!

Laundry Area w/ new lights & Faux Slate Floor Beyond

My contractors have been busy in the laundry area. We now have lights! I can’t say how excited I am about the concept of actually being able to see my laundry! The ceiling is moving along and part of the wall that hides the hot water heater is in! The radiator pipes will be staying (painted white eventually). I will also be adding shelves to the right of the dryer. I am not sure what to do with the visible side of the dryer.  It isn’t the most beautiful thing. Anyone have an ideas? Maybe some kind of fabric.

Ceiling in Main Room w/ LED Recessed Lights

They are finally done with the drop beadboard ceiling in the main room! It looks great. It still needs a couple of coats of paint to finish it off, but it really helps finish off the space. The brick wall in the picture is on a 45 degree angle and is for the fireplace in the kitchen above.  We will be mounting a TV on it (there is an outlet in the ceiling for us).

My contractors have been cranking away here in the bathroom today and we already have a working sink and shower (although the final brackets still need to go in). If all goes well we will have a toilet in by the end of the day. YEAH!

Still on the to do list is the beadboard ceiling in the second space (aka the future pantry), floor leveling and miscellaneous trim.

* To see all of the posts about our basement click here.


Faux Slate Floor w/ Space for Grout

It was a long slog this weekend in the basement (especially with such lovely weather outside). I am now the queen of faux slate flooring. We ran into some issues with the floor, so I didn’t get quite as far as I would have liked. The good news is that the floor is down (at least in the bathroom). The bad news is that I still need to grout (that is for tonight). Mr. S. also got most of the whitewashing done in the main space.

Installing the “Luxury” Vinyl Tile:
(TrafficMaster Ceramica Resilient Vinyl in Coastal Gray @ Home Depot)

Staggered 12x12 Tile Layout

Step 1: Sketch out a rough layout on paper. In my case I used AutoCAD. The tiles are listed as being 12×12, but in actuality they are 11 3/4 x 11 3/4 (to allow for a 1/4 grout joint). We decided to go with a staggered pattern, which I think helps make it look more modern. I also used this when estimating how much to order.

Step 2: Acclimate the tile (ours have been sitting in the basement for the last month). If I had this to do over again I would have pulled the tiles out of the boxes and had them sit out where it was a little warmer.

Floor after Leveling

Step 3: Prep the floor. This includes leveling (our contractor used a self leveling product and ground down the high spots with an old school stone). Once the floor was level we used a floor prep product for concrete flooring (recommended by the manufacturer). This makes the floor slightly sticky and ideal for making the tile stick (or at least it is suppose to).

Getting Started with the Layout

Step 4: Do a rough layout with the actual tiles. I also doubled checked my original sketch. Of course the walls were off by about an inch, so I adjusted accordingly. I also wanted to make sure that we ended at a full tile where the laundry area meets the main space, so I carefully measured back from there. That left me with a row of 8 1/4″ tiles on the back wall. We were lucky that all of the walls were perpendicular (I checked and rechecked) so I could cut the tiles all the same depth for the back wall and work out from there.

Tools that I used: a good Utility Knife w/ LOTS of blades, Needle Nose Vise Grips, Pencil & Square

Step 5: Cutting the tile! The tile is nice and thin and cuts quite easily (yeah!). For the straight cuts you just score it with the utility knife a few times and then you can snap it with your hands. For more complex cuts I scored the shape and carefully pulled down with the need nose vise grips right next to the cut (on the bad side). This worked quite well, although sometimes took several turns to get all of the unused portion off. One of the keys to a good cut is a sharp blade! So, remember to change them frequently!

Step 6: Installing the tile! I had 1/8 spacers on hand from the shower so I put two together to get the 1/4″ spacing that I needed. After getting the tile lined up I carefully removed the backing of the tile and placed it down. I then double checked the spacing on all sides, then pushed it down into place. Then I stepped on it and used a rolling pin at the joints. Easy right? Well, okay this is where things started to go badly! Quickly I noticed that the tiles weren’t sticking as well as I would have liked. So then I started warming the tiles up by holding them up to the heater in the ceiling, hoping that would help. It did help but I was still noticing than some of them were not adhering as well as I would like!

Vinyl Tile Adhesive

Luxury Vinyl Tile Adhesive

Step 6A (Plan B): I ran to the store and picked up vinyl adhesive (which I have used before). According to my tile’s warranty I have now voided it! I had read the reviews of the tile and more than one person had used the vinyl adhesive without problem (to ensure good adhesion). So I pulled up all of the loose tile and troweled on the adhesive.

*Of course now I realize that there is a special adhesive for “Luxury” vinyl tile. Oops, I guess I used the wrong one (I don’t think I saw two options in the store).

Step 7: Wait for the adhesive to become tacky (this took about an hour).

Step 8: Apply the tiles.

Jamb Saw

Step 9: Cutting around door trim. So while I was picking up the adhesive I had also realized that the door trim went all the way to the floor, so I couldn’t get the tile underneath. I have seen contractors undercut the jamb before, but I have never done it, but it means I much more professional look so I though I should try and do this.  I was pleased to find this Irwin Jamb Saw for $10.98.  And it worked just as promised. Yeah! I just placed a scrap tile at the location and cut against the jamb.

Step 10: Wait for the adhesive to dry!

Step 11: Install the Faux Grout: Stay tuned!

Close Up of Ceramica Tile. Cut edge on left and Finished edge on right. The finished edge curves down slightly.

* To see all of the posts about our basement click here.