Archives For Heidi

Master Bedroom Rug

November 19, 2012

New Striped Rug

I think this should be entitled “Why does it take an entire weekend to put in a carpet?”. I guess that is what happens when you have 2 “helpers”, a heavy bed, years of dust underneath and a big rug. The good news is that it is in and my feet enjoyed stepping on it this morning. It is a major upgrade from our old sisal rug. The colors are a little darker than I would have liked in an ideal world, but it goes nicely with our brown leather bed.

Testing out the rug

Next on the list is deciding on curtain fabric, hopefully this won’t take as long as it took me to find a carpet or pick a gray wall color!  I didn’t want to finalize a curtain fabric until after the carpet was in. I am actually glad I made that decision. The rug is definitely bold, so I thinking about stepping back on my plans for red curtains.  At the same time now that I have gone bold, I can’t go too plain on the curtains. hmmm…

Mood Board from last Month

This is where I last left off with my Mood Board. I am still leaning towards the gray fabric featured, but I feel like it would be better with a little bit more color mixed in.

Curtain Fabric Options w/ Gray Wall Color & Artwork

I took out some fabric samples and put them up on the cat tree (which will be relocated when we finish the room) for inspiration. I feel like the light gray is too washed out paired with the carpet. I do feel pretty strongly that I need an organic pattern with some curves to balance out the stripes in the carpet and the geometric pattern on our bedspread.

Here are a few other options I am considering:

Curtain Fabric Options

Do I go gray or choose something with some color? Am I completely crazy?


Animal Coat Hooks

November 16, 2012

I’m not quite sure where the week has gone but I am really looking forward to the weekend. Sam had has Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast the other day and it was so great to see the kids dressed as Native Americans and Pilgrims. It is amazing to see the teachers work their magic. Imagine 44 kids all perfectly well behaved, singing songs and having a meal of mini muffins, popcorn and apple slices together. We need to finalize our Thanksgiving menu here and I am going to try to perfect my pumpkin pie this weekend. I am also going to see if I can finish the coat rack in time. Speaking of which, in my search for the perfect coat hook I also came across some really nice animal hooks.

Metal Animal Hooks

I am planning on interspersing a few of these metal ones on our coat rack, to keep it whimsical and inspire the kids to use it. I actually picked up a couple of brass beetle knobs on clearance at Anthropologie a couple of weeks ago. My kids love bugs, so I think they will be excited to use them.

1. Rabbit Knob, Anthropologie $12

2. Fox Knob, Anthropologie $12

3. Octopus Hooks, Urban Outfitters $14

4. Deer Hook, Urban Outfitters, $12

5. Bull Dog Hook, Urban Outfitters, $12

6. Squirrel Hook, Anthropologie, No Longer Available

I thought I would also show you some more colorful options. That I think have the right mix of fun without being too cutesy.

Colorful & Fun Animal Hooks

I really like some of these fun hooks. I think my favorite is the T-Rex head. Too bad it appears to only be available in England.

1. Yellow Giraffe Hook, Urban Outfitters $14
2. White Elephant Hook, Anthropologie, $20
3. Aqua Squirrel Hook, Land of Nod $29
4. Red Reindeer Hook, World Market, $13.98
5. Bastis Tail Hook, IKEA $2.99
6. T-Rex Head Hook, Dwell UK, $14.95
7. Blue Bunny Hook, The Modern Baby UK, $9.95 (also available in other colors)

Which one is your favorite?
I’ve picked out a couple of hooks for our coat rack. Can anyone guess which ones?

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Domed Coat Hooks

November 12, 2012

I hope everyone had a nice weekend! We had 2 lovely warm fall days and managed to get some of the last of the yard work done. Unfortunately our neighbor’s oak is still holding its leaves so it looks like we will still be raking after Thanksgiving. My shoulder is still mending, so my general pace is slow these days, paired with not being able to sleep comfortably. Fortunately it will eventually heal, it is just taking longer than I would like.

Domed Hooks

I thought I would do a little round up of some of the domed coat hooks I’ve found on my search for the perfect hook. I have clearly spent WAY to long searching, but at least I feel good about my decision. It is hard to find “domed” hooks. They don’t usually come up under “domed” or anything else in particular. I don’t even remember where I first came across them, but I really like the idea of a hook that isn’t pointy (i.e. better for the coat and for potential eye poking hazards).

1. Letter Hooks, Anthropologie, $14

2. Brass & Ceramic Dome, Signature Hardware, $13.95

3. Brass Single Domed Coat Hook, Signature Hardware, $11.95

4. Cast Iron Hook, VanDykes, $10.95

5. Iron Hat & Coat Hook, Signature Hardware, $11.95

6. Black & White Striped Wall Hook, Anthropologie, $18.(I used these on Sarah’s bathroom).

Which one do you like? Am I the only one who spends this much time searching for the perfect hook?

I selected #3 for our coat rack, partially for aesthetics (i.e. it goes with my vintage Victorian hardware) and partially because it doesn’t have a top portion so I can hang it closer to the shelf. I ordered them a few days ago, so hopefully they will arrive shortly!


Hallway Before with undersize Coat Rack (try to ignore the rolled up carpet that needs to go upstairs and the miscellanous house trim sitting on top of the shelf)

Sorry I haven’t posted this week! I hurt my shoulder/back, making everything I do much more difficult. I am hoping that it heals soon!

I feel like I have a million projects started and nothing anywhere closed to finished. I would like to concentrate on our bedroom, but there are a couple of unknown pieces (i.e. future air conditioning and adding additional electric) that have put that on the back burner again. The new carpet is still rolled up in the front hallway. I am hoping to put that in soon so at least I can enjoy something soft on my feet in the morning.

So what is next on the agenda? I decided this week that I NEED to do something about the coat rack in the hallway. I have been trying to come up with a plan for this area for a couple of years now and it never seems to be a priority, but with the cold weather setting in, the number of coats have gone up and our little coat rack isn’t cutting it, never mind that the hooks keep breaking off! I am also looking for a better way to sort mail, besides sitting on the kitchen island.

Old Coat Rack looking really tiny here

Here is my list of requirements:

Zdenka’s Front Hall that I designed last year

1. LOTS of Coat Hooks at 2 Levels (Uppers for the grown ups and longer coats and Lower ones for the kids coats and backpacks). Similar layout to Zdenka’s front hall.

2. Shelves for holding mail baskets (ideally 3 baskets that hold 8 1/2 x 11 paper). I like this shelf from Martha Stewart.

3. The design needs to work with the Victorian feel of our front hallway (dark wood, preferably oak with Victorian brackets)

4. The design can’t stick out more than about 10″, so it doesn’t infringe on the main walking path.

5. I would love a bench, but I don’t think we will have space.

6. Have it done by Thanksgiving!

The Design:

I was planning on making something from scratch, since I want to maximize the 53″ of width. I have some sketches, but nothing that I was totally in love with. Then I found this shelf in the latest Home Decorators Catalog! It is stylistically almost perfect. The size is a little short though.  I am currently considering ordering it, and then tweaking it with a new wider top shelf and then adding a board below to hold the hooks. What do you think? Is it lame not to make it from scratch? The only other downside is that it isn’t oak, so the wood won’t totally match.

I have also picked out the coat hooks. I’m obsessed with dome style hooks, because they do a much better job of not pulling on the back of the coat. I found several but I really like this simple design. I plan on mixing these with some more regular hooks, to hold other things.

So stay tuned for more details!

Fall Decorations for the Piano

I have to start by saying that I am not someone who typically does a lot of seasonal decorating inside the house. I don’t have the patience. Although lately I’ve been trying to pay more attention to my surroundings. I have found that the piles that creep into my house stress me out (I assume it isn’t just me) but having some nice things to rest my eyes on, even for a moment, does make a difference in my mood.

Fall Decorations

The area that I have been most continuously trying to keep clean and pretty is the top of the piano. It is the first thing you see when you come in the back door. I have also found that by putting a few nice things on top that I am much less likely to start piling things on it.

Piano area during the summer

I did have some birdhouses that the kids painted on top. I was recently feeling like I wanted to change it up with something that is a little more fall inspired. It also helps that I have been doing some shopping at Target.

Green Bottle, Target’s Threshold line on clearance (~$4.50), Marrakesh Bowl by Nate Berkus for Target ($7.99), Scarab (from Egypt), Woodpecker candle holder by Patch NYC for Target (on clearance)

I switched out the kids artwork for some metallic and green colored items. It started with the woodpecker candle holder by Patch NYC for Target. I had admired a lot of the items from this limited line but I had at least partially restrained myself and bought the matching lamp and pillow. Then Target started marking down some of the items a couple of weeks ago. So when I saw this one half off, I pounced. I wasn’t sure where I should put it, but then I saw the old bronze plate and thought some metallic in this area would be a nice change. So I scrounged around the house and found this scarab that a friend had given us. Then I saw the bowl from the new Nate Berkus line at Target.

I also literally picked up several of these “Osage Orange” from the kids daycare. They have a couple of Bois ‘D Arc trees on the property. For some reason I grew up calling them “monkey brains” (Did anyone else call them that?). They are a funny fruit, that is native to the US. They have an interesting history. They aren’t actually edible but they apparently repel bugs (good for storing in your pantry) and they smell nice like a mix of citrus and pine.  The trees are thorny and were used as “fencing” for early settler in the Midwest. And its name translates to “tree of the bow” since the branches make good bows. I am such a sucker for an weird and interesting plant!

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend. My thoughts are still with my family and friends without power.

Happy Halloween!

November 1, 2012

Luke Skywalker & Ladybug Girl

First, I want to send my love to all of my Mid-Atlantic neighbors who are still suffering and have been hurt by Sandy! You are in our thoughts!

We were extremely fortunate and managed to escape unscathed minus a few branches. After a couple of restless days at home life is getting back to normal here. Our elementary school still doesn’t have power but they are going to open today with emergency power, which should be interesting (we put an extra layer of clothes on Sam in case it is cold). Trick or Treating went on as normal in our Borough, although several of the towns around us are holding off until the weekend.

Luke Skywalker practicing with his Lightsaber

The kids picked out their own costumes this year and Maisie even managed to wear one that she already had. So it was an easy year for me! Sam watched the original Star Wars a few weeks ago with Mr. S. before selecting his costume.

Ladybug Girl

Miss Maisie was happy to be Ladybug Girl. She is a big fan of the books and wants to make it clear that she is not JUST a ladybug, but a Ladybug Superhero!

We had a great time visiting the neighbors and the night ended with a sugar high and this morning the kids looked like they had a post sugar hangover. Now we just have to make it through the school Halloween Parade!

I hope everyone enjoyed some Trick or Treating!

Hunkered Down for Sandy

October 29, 2012

Our Old Pine Tree at the Beginning of the Storm

Today we are hunkered down at home. We cut our mini-vacation to NYC a little short to make sure that we were home with enough time to get ready (or as ready as you can get for a hurricane).  The winds and rain are picking up now and will only get worse for the next 24 hours. I’m really not looking forward the brunt of this storm! Our tall old house is not designed for this. Fingers crossed our pine (and house) will weather the storm okay. The eye is currently on track to pass about 10 miles south of our house early tomorrow morning. Yikes! To all of my mid-Atlantic neighbors, stay safe!

Speak Easy Train Car on SEPTA

Last week we went to the Bootlegger’s Ball for the opening of the Prohibition Exhibit at the Constitution Center. Mr. S. has worked very hard for the past 2 years on some of the interactive and short film portions of the exhibit (I’m very proud!). His firm was also in charge of designing a SEPTA train car to look like a speakeasy! Well it premiered yesterday, complete with dancers, and it is pretty cool!

Anything look familiar?

When he was designing it he needed some accurate building bits to manipulate in Photoshop. So he turned to our house for a number of house parts. Can you see them?

Stylish lady

The wainscot is from our Dining Room, the door is our front door and that radiator, that is ours too. Pretty cool, huh?

Picture from the Bootlegger’s Ball at the Constitution Center (we are hiding in the back) via CBS

I thought I would show you a picture from the Bootlegger’s Ball. Above is a vintage car in the lobby (with us in the background).

Mr S. & I All Dressed Up

And for a special treat, a self portrait of Mr. S. and me with Independence Mall in the background before the party last week.

Now we are off to prepare for Frankenstorm! I am hoping that we don’t get too pummeled. It sounds like our sump pump will be getting a workout and I hope that the house and trees are feeling strong!

The Unexpected Houseplant by Tovah Martin (those are primroses in the picture)

It is another one of those weeks here where any hope of getting a project finished or staying on schedule has disappeared. We have 1 case of pink eye and 1 case of 3 1 /2 year old surly, stubborn, clingy girl. One of the few actual accomplishments for the weekend (besides attending 3 kid related get togethers) was making it over to Terrain at Styers on Sunday morning to see Tovah Martin. Her new book, The Unexpected Houseplant is out and she was having a book signing and demonstration. Maisie and I watched Tovah work her magic on a couple of indoor planters. Tovah is probably best known for her terrarium design but I first discovered her on her blog Plantswise. Tovah was lovely and very inspiring. I am halfway through the book now and am feeling pretty inspired!

Indoor Planter for a Sunny Location

I have to say that although I love gardening outside, my indoor plants do NOT thrive. I have somewhat of a black thumb indoors. I am hoping to change that, and I think this new book might be the start of good things to come! Tovah advocates for planting what you love! I am totally guilty of having mediocre indoor plants in random pots and then totally neglecting them. She shows you how to step out of that rut and plant exciting beautiful plants inside.  Now I just need to get started!

For inspiration, I thought I would show you a couple of beautiful  planter that she made up while I was there. These were designed for a woman who has a sunny bay window. The one above is a pineapple plant (which I do love) paired with red and orange flowers (that I totally forgot to get the name of) and a miniature bromeliad (one that doesn’t flower but looks so beautiful regardless). I also learned that the pineapple and the air plants are also members of the bromeliacae family.

Another Planter for a Sunny Window

The second planter (designed to go with the one above) was mostly filled with succulents and more of the miniature bromeliads. I am totally in favor of succulents, since by their nature don’t require much care. I have a few now, but they all live in individual pots.  On the subject of succulent planters I saw that Emily Clark just posted about a beautiful centerpiece that she put together yesterday made out of driftwood and succulents.

Mix of Planters

I also really liked these shade friendly planters in the foreground above. Unfortunately most of my windows are too bright for these. Although I am totally in love with the lower plant in the foreground, which is ‘Frosty Fern’ (Selaginella kraussiana ‘Variegata’) which is a kind of moss. Tovah recommends putting mosses as understory plants, which is some cases can work in sunnier locations when you have broader plants sitting above.

Another useful recommendation that I asked about and is described in the book is using cat friendly plants like grass. I haven’t had any luck with growing the kitty grass that they sell at the pet store, but I am really intrigued to try something like a blue fescue. I might even grab one of my smaller perennial grasses from outside and try it indoors for the winter. I like the idea of giving the kitties something to munch on that will be good for their tummies, and then they will hopefully be less likely to eat the plants that aren’t so good for them.

My Little Helper

Finally my little helper smiled for me with the plants. Now if she only was this well behave all of the time! Now if I can just get her to help with the watering!

Blue Pumpkin with Blackbirds

Life has been quite busy around here. Any hope of getting house projects finished has disappeared (at least for the next little bit). Halloween has been the big topic of conversation at our house. The kids are very excited and we have finally managed to sort out the costume situation and partially decorate the front porch.  I picked up these blackbirds at the $1 store and I really like them especially since they have wire at the bottom for attaching. I still have hopes of making scary silhouettes for the front windows. We don’t get very many kids at our house, but I would like to entice at least a couple more to stop by.

Beautiful Fall Display at Terrain

One of the few up sides of frequenting a construction site south of here is that it is only a couple of miles from Terrain. I managed to squeeze in a few minutes and a pumpkin latte earlier this week. Their displays are always stunning. Above they have mixed a water feature with colorful annuals (kale, celosia and coleus) with a perennial low grass in the front and large branches in the back. I managed to pick up a couple of grasses on sale. I will probably be planting these in my raised bed for now and replant in their final location in the spring.

In other news, Mr. S. has been SUPER busy at work getting a bunch of things ready for the Constitution Center’s new exhibit  American Spirits: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition. I am hoping to be able to show you a couple of things next week. In the meantime the opening party is tonight, so I will be stepping out this evening.

We are suppose to be dressed in 1920’s attire, which is a bit of a departure for me. I spent a long time looking online for the right dress, since I couldn’t bring myself to get a flapper dress. After much debate and some returns I bought a new dress that I would call “vintage inspired”. I think it is pretty cute (although given the chance I would probably buy most of my clothes from Boden).  I still have to think about the accessories. Mr. S. (who is a far better dresser than I am) just picked out some handsome looking clothes from his closet last night.  Wish me luck!