Old Chimney w/ hole in the top from the original stove. Th old plaster has been chiseled off the brick for the backsplash area. The top portion of the drywall and plaster will be covered with a piece of trim.
They are still busy over at Andi & Neil’s house. Demolition is pretty much complete (except that the contractor conveniently left their sink & dishwasher in place for the time being). They are starting to work on furring out the wall with the stove, installing electric for the ceiling and patching the floor. And their new range was due to arrive yesterday afternoon. I had Andi take a couple of pictures for me (thanks Andi!). They also uncovered some pretty sweet retro wallpaper! And they figured out what the chimney in the corner was for…the old stove of course! I don’t know why that didn’t dawn on me before! In an old house there are almost always fun things (and not so fun things) to uncover. Fortunately they are now entering the put everything back together phase!