So the day finally arrived, the counters have been installed! Andi took a couple of photos for me. I am going to head over later today to take some more photos and go over the last of the details. Also since the last time I was there, they finished up some of the trim and painted one of the walls. The contractors also managed to get the sink and stove hooked up today! I see that Andi already has a pan on the stove! I think there was a BIG sigh of relief over at Andi and Neil’s house yesterday. They can finally start using their kitchen again.
Items Left to Decide On:
-Cabinet handles for the Drawers
-Cabinet knobs for the Doors
-Tile Backsplash
-Accessories and window treatment!
We decided to hold off on these until the counters were installed. This way we can make sure that all of these coordinate nicely with the counters. One item for debate is the finish on the handles. The lights are oil rubbed bronze and the faucet is nickel plated with a slightly rubbed appearance. Which finish do we go with? Or do we go more shiny for a little bling? We also looked at glass knobs for the cabinets. We will have to see what these look like now that everything else is in place. For the tile backsplash I am recommending a stone subway tile (possibly carrera marble). I think a plain white tile may look to stark with everything else, but again we wanted to wait and see how the granite looked first (especially since this doesn’t have to go in to make the kitchen function).