It was a beautiful fall day here. I actually had to dig out some jackets for the kids. We spent the morning over at Linvilla Orchards playing on their giant playground, feeding the chickens and peacocks, eating apples and admiring the pumpkins. It was such a lovely day to be outside! It would have been perfect except for the yellow jackets swarming us as we tried to eat the apples.
Tonight I am off to a book signing party for the new Design*Sponge At Home book by Grace Bonney at Terrain at Styers! Hopefully it won’t be too crowded (I see that it has sold out in the last day). I always love visiting Terrain and it will be nice to be there for a special event. I guess I shouldn’t be picking out perennials in a nice dress and shoes. hmmm…maybe I should bring an apron just in case! If all goes well I will post some photos on Monday.
I have already opened and taken a peak at my book (I ordered the Barnes and Noble copy with extra content online). It has some nice home tours (called sneak peaks) and DIY projects. It is quite a long book (over 400 pages) and you definitely feel like you are getting your moneys worth. On my first pass, my only disappointment is that some of hour tours were a little short. To me it feels like you are peaking in the door of someone’s house and getting a glance but not really getting the full tour. I’ve seen a good number of the DIY projects already (since I read the blog) so there were only a couple of news ones that perked my interest.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!