A Little Bit of Rain and a Whole Bunch of Lilies

June 15, 2011

'Spider Man'? Daylilies with White Salvia & Pink Yarrow

While we were away on our little vacation it finally managed to rain. I’m not quite sure how much, but it was raining when we got home last night. It was nice to see the garden so happy! When we left everything was looking pretty sad, even with a watering. It appears that while we were gone all of the day lilies have decided to bloom at once! The Tiger Lilies, the ‘Stella de Oro’ (yellowy orange),  the ‘happy returns’ (yellow), and a couple of other ones which names escape me. It is amazing how quickly my purple garden turned orange and yellow. I actually love the combination of some of my cool colored salvias and irises with the bright daylilies. It is amazing sometimes how quickly the garden changes!

What is blooming in your garden right now?