A Couple of New Friends for the House

July 11, 2011

A second peacock to keep my first one company at the back gate


I celebrated my birthday last week and Mr. S. surprised me  with a second peacock (after he told me that he thought 1 was enough). So now we have a matching pair at the back gate. He also picked out this cow bell at Terrain (a present from the kids). I haven’t decided where to hang him yet. I was thinking somewhere on the back deck so I could call the kids in from the backyard. Or maybe in the kitchen or dining room to announce dinner. It is pretty loud (as demonstrated by the kids who proceeded to ring it as many times as I would let them) hmmm… Let me know if you have any ideas.

We also had a lovely time at Longwood Gardens yesterday. They have added a bunch of kids stuff since we have been there last, including 3 big treehouses and an indoor children’s garden. I will post a few pictures soon.

I’m off to run some errands but I am working on a couple of posts for this week. One about our bedroom and one about Sarah’s living room/ dining room/ front porch. So stay tuned.