Happy Fourth of July & George Washington Crossing The Delaware

July 4, 2011

Waiting for the parade to start

Happy Fourth of July everyone! Here in Rutledge we have a lovely parade every year followed by fire truck rides and games in the park. This year we entered the “decorated stroller” division of the parade. Since Sam likes to stand in the back of the stroller, we decided to go with George Washington Crossing the Delaware. Sam made a great George! He even mastered George’s face. Maisie’s job was to row the boat. She wasn’t so sure about that and decided that she didn’t want to wear her hat, but all in all a fun time and we managed to win first place. We also had a lovely time at breakfast at our  neighbor’s house where Sam and Maisie proudly showed off  their costumes (and ate bagels).

Just before heading over to breakfast and the parade.

"George" looking stoic and Maisie being not to sure about the whole thing

"George" with his monument (the Morbeck's lovely float)

The happy first prize winner (before the red snow cone)!