Santa was Here!

December 27, 2011 — 1 Comment

Maisie and Sam with Santa this year!

One of the great things about living in a small town is that there are some things that they can do just because of the small size. Our town is only 4 blocks by 3 blocks so it is quite compact. That means that Santa makes an appearance at everyone’s house on Christmas Eve (thanks to our Fire Department). He rides on an awesome vintage trailer pulled by the fire truck. It is a big deal here when we hear the fire siren and go running out to see Santa. I LOVE this tradition and feel very fortunate that our kids get to experience it. Of course they think all kids get this kind of service!

Santa 2010!

Santa 2009!

Santa 2008!

Santa 2007!

1 Comment

One response to Santa was Here!

  1. What a great collection of pictures; I love being able to see the kids grow up this way. Apparently year one they are wary, year two they freak out, and then they warm up to Santa. This year’s picture is particularly sweet, thanks for sharing!

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