Our Basement Part 13b: Keeping the Water Out

January 18, 2012 — 2 Comments

New Triple Sump Pump System w/ Battery Backup (this will all be boxed in a utility closet)

The drainage system is finished! It took 1 3/4 days. Not bad! It was a little crazy at the end since I was trying to leave for a meeting and they forgot to finish taping up one of the windows. But now I can relax for a few days until we get started on finishing the basement in earnest. The concrete is suppose to cure for a couple of weeks, although I need to see if I can get my contractor out to patch the rest of bathroom floor, so we can be all finished with the concrete work (and then I won’t have dirt in front of my washing machine). Once it cures it is time for the basement to turn pink briefly (with insulation) and then it will be time for studs! Yeah!!

I am also excited to start showing the finishes and details for the basement (some of which I still need to pick out). Here are a few more pictures of the progress…

Bay window area (future workshop)

Main space (middle column is going to come out)

Future Bathroom (still need to be filled in with concrete)

* To see all of the posts about our basement click here.
** I was not paid by BQ Basement Systems in any way, I just think it is a good product.

If I squint real hard I can imagine the space all finished.


2 responses to Our Basement Part 13b: Keeping the Water Out

  1. The walls look good. Can you mount anything on the walls? Do you have to worry about breaking the water proofing seal?

    • I wouldn’t recommend it since it would puncture the waterproofing system. If I needed to do that I would probably caulk the spot. We are going to be putting up insulation and then stud walls everywhere in front so it shouldn’t be a problem.

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