Archives For DIY

Completed DIY Sandbox w/ benches and Lid (and beach umbrella)

Today is my long overdue instructions on building our new sandbox! It seems like as soon as we had it finished the weather was too hot to use it. And now the mosquitoes are in rare form making it uncomfortable to be outside. Fortunately, I convinced Maisie that a little time out there this morning would be nice.

I wrote about the first part of the installation a while ago. I thought I would show Part 1 again so that everything was in one place.


Sandbox Design from Ana White’s website

We decided to go with the plans from Ana White’s website based on this design. Of course I had to tweak it a bit (when have I ever gone the easy way). The design is for a 4′x4′ model. We decided to go with a 5′x4′ design so that the kids would have a little bit more space for playing and to fill out the space. We also decided to use 2x10s for the sides. The design calls for 1x8s but since we wanted it deeper and we were widening it, I decided to increase the depth (plus a 1×10 and 2×10 are pretty much the same price). The nice thing about the plans is that they are designed to use standard length lumber, so all I needed to do was adjust a few pieces from 8′ lengths to 10′ lengths to make it work. I also added an extra piece to the back of the bench on each side to accommodate the extra foot (so there are 3 boards instead of two).

Site Leveled & Ready for Installation

Step 1: Locate the Sandbox and Prepare the Site

First on the list was moving the big piece of slate over to accommodate the sandbox. For this I used a spade and all of my arm strength to push it over the 5′. It was a pain and took me an embarrassing amount of time, but I managed to do it myself. Of course it wasn’t level! So it took last weekend with the help of Mr. S. holding it up to actually level it out. Then we leveled out the ground under the sandbox, moved/cut back a few plants and we were set. We also added the landscape/weed blocker fabric to the bottom, to help keep the sand separated from the dirt.

Wood Cut & Landscape Fabric Added

Step 2: Pick Up the Wood & Cut to Length

I went over to Home Depot and picked up the pine boards (I didn’t want to use pressure treated in an area with kids). I had the guy at HD cut the 2×10 boards for me, since my saw only cuts up to a 2×8 in one pass. Of course I hadn’t double checked my measurements so I still ended up having to cut the shorter pieces again at home. All told I spent about $96 for the wood, screws, glue and hinges. I spent about an hour measuring and cutting all of the wood.

 Step 3: Finish the Wood

This is by far the longest step. We are staining our wood green to match our garage and shed. We had some already, which was nice. The downside is that it is oil and takes a while to dry. Since almost all the wood will be visible depending on whether it is open or closed we need to finish all of the sides. I am using a small roller with the stain. I am still NOT finished with this. It needs 2 coats and so far only the bottom has 2 full coats. Everything else only has one coat right now. Unfortunately the weather has not been cooperating with us. I am hoping to have all of the staining done by the weekend so I can get this finished!

The kids taking a break from the water table to test out the sandbox

Step 4: Installing the Base/Sides:

Mr. S. stained the base 2x10s first, so those were ready to go in (we are leaving the side that will be exposed to the sand unfinished because I am concerned with it wearing off with the sand against it). We used nice long 3″ screws (3 per corner). I use almost exclusively screws with star bits. Home Depot now sells them (I use to have to hunt them down) in the deck screw area. I LOVE these! No slipping or stripped screws. Plus they are meant for exterior use, so they will hold up well. The Home Depot ones are tanish yellow in color and blend in pretty well with the wood.

The kids using the sandbox for the first time

Step 5: Putting in the Sand

I bought six 50 lbs bags of play sand to get started (I think we will need another 6 or so to fill the 18 sf). I looked for play sand that had been “prewashed” to minimize any contaminants.

Half Finished Top/Bench

Step 6: Making the Lid

This is the most intimidating part of the project, but really isn’t that hard. We used 14 boards all together for this (+4 armrests & 4 back supports)

-2 1x4s on each side as the base for the seat (see left side of picture above). These are permanently screwed to the frame

-2 1x4s on each side for the seat (this part flips over and has the armrests on the inside)

-3 on each side for the back of the bench (2 1x4s and 1 1×6). On Ana White’s instructions they only use 2 1x4s but since we are a 1′ wider I need to add a 1×6 to each back.

A. The first thing you want to do is layout all of the boards to double check the spacing. We were in between 1/4″ and 1/2″ in between the boards. If you have a piece of scrap wood or cardboard and the right thickness this will help keep the joints even. I ended up using a piece of scrap Styrofoam that i had on hand from some packaging.

B. Screw in the permanently attached pieces on each side.

C. Screw the arm rests on to the seats (making sure that the spacing matches the pieces that you installed previously

D. Screw the back supports on to the back pieces.

E. Test fit the pieces to make sure everything is going to fit properly.

Back and seat being attached together with hinges

F. I found it was easiest to attach the back and seat together first. This allows you to install these in a flat position instead of at an angle (since these hinges are on the inside when the sandbox is closed). I used 3″ strap hinges that are galvanized.

Sandbox in closed position

G. Attach the seat and back to the box with hinges while everything is flat.

H. Attach handles if you are using them (we chose not to since it is pretty easy to lift the way it is).

Maisie in the sandbox

Step 7: Test out the new sandbox!

Maisie busy with some new sand toys

I hope everyone has a great weekend! We have a summer cold going through the house and are hoping a quiet weekend will give everyone the rest that they need.


Margaret’s Revenge! The pirates are ready to board the other floats.

We decided to have a pirate themed fourth this year. Sam says that pirates are patriot. Who knew?  I hope everyone has a great day and Happy Birthday to America!

We reused our boat from last year’s parade (George Washington crossing the Delaware) and added some cannons and port holes.

Pirate Maisie

Pirate Sam

Happy Pirates

More Happy Pirates

Sweaty Pirates!

Argh America!

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Radiator Cover & Bench after Repairing and Fixing it

One of the things I wanted in our kitchen when I was designing it 6 years ago was a window seat. I think I looked at too many interior design magazines where I saw kids sitting happily on the window seats while their mom’s cooked. Well, I managed to fit one it, which was great. And I have to say I really do like having a place to sit while we cook. It has been used everyday since we put it in. It was where the babies took naps in their carseats, where they play with their toys and where they spend lots of time looking out the window. It is also a favorite spot for our cats (especially in the winter when the radiator is going).

Maisie in her carseat sitting on the bench  the day she came home from the NICU with Sam

We installed an old giant radiator underneath the back window it to heat the room (and replace 2 smaller ones that were in the way).  It also meant that we could keep the large window that overlooked the backyard (something I was pretty adamant about), while replacing the windows that faced the road with smaller windows that allowed for more counter space. When I made the cover I was in a bit of a hurry. I think it was before a holiday. Anyway, I made a 2×4 structure with various 1″ thick poplar pieces for the face. We also installed bronze grill in between the finished wood and the backup structure to hide the radiator. While the backup structure was screwed in, the cover pieces were nailed and glued. This held up fine until my kids started walking, since then it has been taking a beating from both kids and it didn’t pass the test!

Bench earlier this month before fixing it! (the extra pieces were in a box in the Dining Room)

It has been deteriorating for the past couple of years, as I tried to ignore it (and even managed to keep it out of the photos). Well with Sam’s Party approaching we put it on the list of items to fix. The good news is that my wood working skills and tools have improved since then! So I was able to take the pieces and reassemble them using my Kreg tool. Then I bought new bronze grill and added extra wood at the bottom to provide some extra structure.

Bench striped back to its structure (with Spike)

I took off the remaining pieces (which took about 10 minutes). Spike our cat was very suspicious. I then took out all of the old nails and screws. While I was at it I added a couple of extra screws to the back up structure.

Bench front after installing pocket screws using the Kreg tool

Previously I had installed the pieces 1 by 1 onto the frame. This time I decided to make the frame one rigid piece with pocket screws (and the Kreg tool). As you can see, I used a LOT. I really don’t want this falling apart again. I also added 2 pieces at the bottom (with holes) to make it more rigid and prevent the kids from kicking the bottom of the bronze lattice. After this I tested to make sure it would slide into place (which it fortunately did).

Then I patched and painted the front (the same color as before so 1 coat was enough).

I patched and painted the front (which I had previously done it place). It was a lot easier to paint this before installing the bronze lattice. Plus the off-gassing from my old school oil paint was done outside.

Stapling the bronze lattice to the back

After it was dry I flipped it over and installed the bronze lattice. We choose a quatrefoil pattern (from Killians Hardware in Chestnut Hill). I used my staple gun with 1/2″ staples and went to town. I used a LOT of them in both directions (I REALLY don’t want this come apart again). The good news is that this new lattice is stiffer then the old sheet, so hopefully it will hold up.

Reinstalling the front of the bench

Then I reinstalled the bench. On the top I screwed it in from the back. Towards the bottom I used several screws and countersunk them. The top has always been removable (to access the radiator).

Radiator Cover & Bench after Repairing and Fixing it!

So there you have it! The project took several hours over about 5 days. I don’t think I spent over an hour on it any one day. The new lattice is really nice (the photo doesn’t do it justice). Hopefully this one will hold up until the kids are old enough to fix it themselves.

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Sam’s Top Chef Birthday Invite designed by Mr. S.

This was our first time hosting a kids birthday party. Sam first requested his Top Chef Birthday Party after seeing an episode last fall. We thought that sounded like a fun idea and have spent the last few months mulling it around in our heads. I thought I would give you some of the highlights. I won’t lie, it was a lot of work, but Sam had a great time and was super excited to have his friends over (including both his preschool classmates, his Friday friends and neighbors). Unfortunately, we didn’t get as many pictures as I would have liked because we were so busy. Mr. S. tells me that it is more important that Sam and his friends had fun then getting good photos. I agree in principle, but I am a little sad that I don’t have better pictures of some of the activities and the awesome food and aprons that the kids made.

Backyard Set up with Activities

The Plan

I wanted to create several activities for the kids. Given the number coming I thought it would make sense to divide them into 3 groups of 8-9 kids and then rotate them after about 15-20 minutes. After the activites, the kids would eat the lunch they made and have cupcakes. We decided against having an actual competition, to avoid hurt feelings. There was one request to be Padma though.

Kids Aprons

1. Decorate Aprons & Hats: I thought this would be a good activity while we waited for everyone to get here. I bought the hats and aprons from Oriental Trading. I also picked up puff fabric paint and markers from the craft store.  One thing I hadn’t accounted for was the paint drying (especially in the warm sun). Most of these ended up drying in the sun for the rest of the party. I also bought a bunch of foam stickers for the kids who didn’t want to paint. I bought pirate stickers, so not surprisingly most of the boys used markers and stickers and most of the girls used the glittery puff paint. Fortunately the aprons came in lots of colors, so everyone managed to get a color to their liking. A lot of the kids were not in favor of the hats (which definitely require additional double stick tape).

BBQ Skewers for Fruit Kabobs

Fruit Kabobs made by Sam

Sam eating leftovers

2. Fruit Kabobs: I wanted to offer something besides just junk food (although plenty of sugar was eaten). So I decided that fruit kabobs would be fun. I used 12″ wooden BBQ skewers from the grocery store. To add some color and keep the fruit from sliding off I added “flags” made of washi tape. This also gave us a space to write the kids names. Then we put them on big platters w/ mesh bug covers. I choose fruit to have all of the colors of the rainbow: red/strawberries, orange/mangos, yellow/pineapple, green/green grapes, blue/blueberries and purple/red grapes. The strawberries (all 3 pounds) were the first to go.

Cookie Supplies (after the party)

Maisie’s Cookies

Maisie eating her creation

3. Decorate Cookies: I decided rather than a lot of favors, I would have the kids decorate cookies and then have them bring them home. I made the cookies on lollipop sticks. I made 3 varieties of sugar cookies: chef hats/cupcakes, stars and circles. I also made a frosting that hardened well in several colors, in addition to lots of jimmies, sprinkles and decorative frosting in a can. I also tried small chocolate chips but they started to melt so we had to give up on those. I made the cookies ahead. It was pretty time consuming (especially battling the hot weather to keep them from getting to melty).

Pizza Sign

Pizza Making in Action

Maisie’s pizza

Sam & me working on his creation

Maisie working on her pizza

4. Make Pizzas: This was definitely the most work and required careful timing, but I was really amazed at how well they came out. We divided each ball of pizza dough (from the local pizza shop) into 4 and wrapped each in plastic wrap the afternoon before. We preheated the oven to 525 about an hour before the party (and jacked up the AC). We were able to fit 2 pizzas per shelf (for 6 at a time). At that temperature they cooked in about 8 minutes. Given how some were full of sauce and thin and others were thick, I was pleasantly surprised at how well they all came out.  We offered tomato sauce, bbq sauce, mozzarella cheese, cheddar cheese, mushrooms, olives, red peppers, yellow peppers and green peppers.

Sam with his cupcake!

Sam with his friends

5. Eating:

After the activities were finished the kids ate (fortunately one of the other moms stepped in and cut all of the pizzas). While they were eating we packed the cookies up into bags and put out the duck favors. I used a fun circular punch for the thank you tags. Mr. S. designed them and printed them out on card stock for me. I used the same punch for name tags on the pizza (glued to toothpicks) and for cupcake toppers. On the backs of those I punched out colorful paper.

Apron & Hat Decorating

Lessons Learned

1. Get Help: It is a LOT of work to run a birthday party. We had one of the kids teachers help as well as 2 teenage girls (who babysit the kids). I put them each in charge of an activity while my sister-in-law and I manned the pizza station.  Mr. S. floated to keep an eye on everything and take pictures. In the future I think I would have assigned one of the other parents or an additional helper to take pictures. My helpers also stayed for a little bit after to help with clean up (which was definitely helpful).

2. Flexibility: The best plans require flexibility. I imagined that we would use a timer and rotate the kids at 15-20 minutes. In reality, as soon as they were done with an activity they ran to the next thing (or to play). I had to gather different kids to make pizza several times.

3. Timing: Younger kids tend to do well in the morning. We scheduled this party from 10:30-12:30. This worked out well because the kids tend to pay more attention this time of day. I think the 2 hours was just about right for the kids who ranged mostly from 2-5 years old. Much longer than this and they tend to get restless.

4. Have Fun: This is probably the hardest thing for me. I was worried about everything. But ultimately you are doing this for your child and they want to have a good time, and part of that is sharing it with you.

Sam and his loot!

The good news is that Sam and the kids had a great time! I should hopefully be recovered by next year. Thanks to everyone who came and helped to make my little guy’s birthday so special!

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Finished DIY Wine Rack!

It is finished! Yeah! After looking at options and more options, it is done and I love it. Of course I would have changed a few things if I had to do it over again, but overall it was pretty straightforward and I really liked how it came out.

AutoCAD Drawing of Space

I started out with this AutoCAD drawing above, laying out the wall.

Ikea BESTA Option

Then I considered this Ikea Besta Option (but was concerned that it could actually support the weight of the wine. Plus Mr. S. thought it looked too “kitcheny” and not rustic enough for our wood wonderland. Which lead to me looking for a design, only to be out of luck. So I ended up making up my own design.

Sketches for the Wine Rack

This is pretty much what I went with, with the toughest decision being whether or not to rout out the horizontal pieces and diagonal pieces. In the end I decided that the pressure from the diagonal pieces holding the wine meant that I really wanted a durable consistent joint in the corners of the main box, so it meant getting out the router to do it. I have to say that I have a love-hate relationship with our router. I love what it can do, but it is a beast, definitely designed for someone with big hands. It actually takes both Mr. S. and I to make the height adjustments, and it is very difficult for me to switch blades. Additionally, I can use it, but the on/off button is out of my reach, so I have to temporarily support it while I turn it on, which is annoying and a little bit dangerous. Ours is a Craftsman (although I think it should be call CraftsMANonly). We bought it on short notice at Sears years ago. I should have ordered a Makita one that had better features, but it meant waiting a week to get it in the mail, which at time was too long. This model was also less expensive. Oh, well, someday maybe I will get a new one, it is not like I use it THAT often. And I have other tools on my list first (i.e. a nail gun).


2-2x12x6′ (for the top and bottom). Look for pieces that are as flat as possible, to allow for a good fit.

1-2x12x8′ (4 vertical pieces)

3-2x8x6′ (for the back)

3-2x10x6′ (for the diagonals)

Wood Glue

Wood Screws (I used my 1 5/8″ deck screws)

Finish nails/brads


Circular saw for cutting the wood

Router for creating grooves in the wood


Step 1: Cut the 2x12s for the top, bottom & sides. The top and bottom are 6′ long, while the sides were 1′-11 1/2″ (to allow for a 1/4″ groove at the top and bottom)

Top and Bottom Boards marked for Routing

Step 2: Mark, tape (to protect the wood), set up the fence and Route the top and bottom pieces using a 3/4″ bit, set at 1/4″ depth (at 2′ intervals)

Mr. S. Test fitting one of the vertical pieces in the groove

Step 3: Test fit the vertical pieces. The 1x12s tend to be slightly bowed, so we found it worked best to start at one end and slowly push the wood into the groove (using a mallet if necessary)

Step 4: Glue and nail the top and bottom together. I pre-drilled for the nail holes to avoid spliting. You could also use screws, depending on whether they will be visible.

Box finished w/ Sam’s help

Step 5: Check to make sure that you are plumb. The easiest way to do this is to check the diagonal dimension of each of the squares.

Install the back of the wine rack w/ screws

Step 6: Cut the wood for the back of the winerack. Install with screws at each vertical and at the top and bottom. This is going to really help with the rigidity, so I made sure to use quite a few screws. You are also going to use the top one, to mount it to the wall. In my case I had about an inch gap between the back boards. I installed the top and bottom first (also to allow for any straightening) and then centered the middle piece in between.

Winerack w/ the first of the Diagonals in place

Step 7: I had roughly measured how long the diagonals needed to be (at least so I could pick up the wood). But for actual measurements, I measured each one individually (there was about 1/4″ difference amongst the 3 sections). First I cut the 3 long diagonals and test fit them in place. I used 1x12s just like the box. In retrospect I should have used 1x10s so that they would sit back from the face. I think that would create a much nicer look.

Step 8: Mark the diagonals (to keep straight which one is which) and pull them out and mark for the grooves for the shorter diagonals.

Step 9: Rout the grooves for the shorter diagonals. It is at this point that I was really hating the router. In this case we routed out only 1/8″ thick since we were routing on both sides of the wood.

Step 10: Reinstall the diagonals and measure for the shorter diagonal pieces.

Winerack w/ all of the pieces in place

Step 11: Cut the short diagonal pieces and test fit, one by one until they are all in place. I was planning on glueing/screwing these in place, but I decided it was better to leave them unattached. Then installation would be easier and if I ever wanted to replace the diagonals with shelves I could.

Step 12: Remove the diagonal pieces (marking them so you can put them back in the same spot). Predrill the holes for the mounting screws (we decided to drill behind the diagonal pieces). I also partially screwed the mounting screws in place, to make it quicker and easier to get it on the wall.

Step 13: Paint the wall behind (since there are openings in the back you will see part of the wall).

Step 14: Mark the wall. In our case I marked the bottom corners, using a level to draw a line for the entire bottom.

Step 15: Lift and screw in place. We are lucky because the walls are wood, so we could just use wood screws. If you have a drywall or plaster wall you would need to find the studs (similar to a kitchen cabinet). The advantage of this design is that you could mark your stud locations and use a longer screw at any location on the back, since it is nice and strong.

Winerack in Place!

Step 16: Finish the wood (this could also be done ahead of time).

Step 17: Place wine in rack! Yeah!

Winerack finished w/ whitewash & fridge and freezer in place

So now it is in and whitewashed! We also installed the freezer yesterday. It was a total pain, because the floor is very uneven and it required lots of shims (which is difficult when you don’t have access to the sides). The counter is arriving on Saturday. I still need to come up with a plan for the white door (which I hate). I am thinking of spray painting the plastic top and bottom and adding vinyl chalkboard to the face. I think once the wood counter is installed it will look much more finished. We also need to buy an upper cabinet from Ikea (to match the lower drawer unit) for the right side.

What do you think?

* To see all of the posts about our basement click here.

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New TV Console/ Floating Shelf with Guitar Amps Below

It was a busy DIY weekend here! I think this is the most woodworking that I have done in a single stint in a LONG time, certainly in the last 5 years. The good news is that the TV console and the wine rack are done. I still need to whitewash the wine rack, but it is up and in place, which is great. I made the TV console on Saturday and whitewashed it Saturday night. Then Mr. S. hooked up all of the TV components on Sunday morning, so this project is actually complete! I spent most of the day Sunday working on the 6’x2′ wine rack, which I will write about later this week.

So anyway, back to the TV console. I have been tinkering with the design in my head for a few weeks, but Friday night I decided that it was now or never and spent some time drawing up the “perfect” shelf. I measured our new tiny speakers, the small computer (a mac mini with all of the hookup on the back), the giant power strip and some miscellaneous smaller bits. I wanted to minimize the dimension that it stuck out from the wall (since it is in a major pathway), while provided enough depth for the computer. I also needed quite a lot of space for allowing wires to go up and down and all of the plugs and electrical bricks. Somehow the idea of a sleek TV set up still seems pretty elusive. In the name of minimizing its size we don’t even have a cable box down here, and have to rely on the computer for everything (which is a whole different experiment).

Close Up of TV Consule

The Design

I decided to keep it simple. I went with a box with enough height on the inside to accomodate the speakers (I went with an inside height of 7 1/4″ to allow for the front cover plate to be a 1×8). The depth is 10″ including the mounting blocks. This allowed enough space for the computer and the hookups on the back (approximately 9 1/2″). I used 1×10 pine for the box (9 1/4″) plus the depth of the 3/4″ mounting blocks. The width is 44″. The TV is 42 1/2″ so I started with that width and added a little to make sure that I could fit the speaker and computer on one side of the wood cover plate. In the middle there is an 18″ wood cover plate to hide the 17″ power strip. It is funny that the power connection takes up almost 3 times the width of the computer. On the right side there is space for the other speaker and a little bit of miscellaneous storage.


1x10x10′ Pine (3/4″ x 9 1/4″ actual)

1x8x6′ Pine (3/4″ x 7 1/4″ actual)

Kreg Tool w/ Pocket Screws

Wood Screws


Masonry Nails (to attach it to the wall)

Total about $40

Kreg Tool for Making Screw Pockets


1. Cut the top, bottom and 2 sides out of the 1x10x10′ (in our case: 2 @ 44″ and 2 @ 7 1/4″)

Side of shelf attached to the top with pocket screws

2. Use Kreg tool to make holes for pocket screws to attach the sides to the top. This way there are no exposed screws. I also glued the pieces together.

3. Screw the bottom with regular wood screws (since the bottom won’t be visible it doesn’t matter if they are visible).

4. Cut the back corner pieces and front cover piece out of the 1x8x6′. I used 6″ wide pieces for the back and 18″ for the front piece. I also cut 2 extra 6″ pieces for spacer to attach to the brick wall.

Shelf with the back pieces test fit in place

5. Test fit the pieces.


Back of Shelf w/ Pocket Screws Installed (upside down)

5. Using the Kreg tool add pockets in the 2 back pieces (I went with 2 on the top and one on the bottom). The back pieces will be supporting the shelf so I wanted to make sure it was totally secure to the shelf.

6. The front cover piece is to be secured later after installing the shelf to the wall.

Blocking/Spacer installed on Wall with Masonry Anchors

Installing it on the Wall

Our old brick wall is VERY difficult to  drill into. The Masonry Anchors we used require pre drilling 1/4″ holes to the proper depth. After blowing through more than one bit anchoring the TV we decided to align the holes with the softer mortar.

7. We decided where we wanted the shelf (high up enough to allow the amps to fit below and low enough to be able to use the keyboard on top).

8. I roughly measured the placement of the wood blocking with the mortar joint. Then we predrilled the holes in the wood with a wood drill bit. This left a mark on the wall and we drilled with a masonry bit.

9. We hammered in the masonry anchors through the wood blocking. This left everything a bit wonky, but we decided to proceed.


Shelf in place w/ Power Strip Slid Through the Rear

10. We screwed the shelf to the blocking. We actually had to do this twice because we released that the power strip needed to go through the back first (and the other end was located in the outlet above the TV).

11. At first this wasn’t as secure as I would have liked. Then I realized that by tightening the screws we had actually pulled the blocking away from the brick wall at the bottom (while keeping it tight at the top). The anchors were still secure, so I was a little unsure what to do. Then I tried a shim underneath the bottom of the blocking at it was suddenly nice and tight and secure. Phew! Just a little caulk to cover the seam and we were good to go.

New Shelf filled with equipment


After the shelf was in place we used the gloss white to match the wall for the blocking on the back (along with the caulk). For the rest of it I white washed it similar to the walls. Then I let it dry overnight before installing the equipment.

What would I do differently?

After I do these projects there are normally a few things that I would do differently. The main thing is that I would have made the blocking for the wall smaller than the back corner pieces on the shelf. In the end they didn’t end up aligned very well and you can see one side of it sticking out if you are looking at the inside of the shelf. Otherwise I would have been more careful about the various plugs and making sure that I had put them through the rear of the shelf before installing it.

All in all this was a pretty easy and quick project. I think it is something that most people could do. It also cost less than anything  I would have bought at Ikea which is always a nice feeling.

Shelf w/ gap left at the rear for wires to run

Finally, I will leave you will a detail of the shelf and a sneak peak at the wine rack in the distance. Later this week I will break down how I made it.

* To see all of the posts about our basement click here.

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TV Wall Before

New TV Consul/ Floating Shelf

Well the day has gotten the best of me! I had hoped to have instructions for our new TV consul/ floating shelf. Unfortunately it is only half done, so in the meantime I thought I would give you a sneak peak into some of the woodworking/DIY from the weekend.

Doesn’t that look better! (And, yes I am patting myself on the back.)

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Sam using the new tire swing!

We have been meaning to hang a tire swing for over a year, but somehow never seemed to get around to it. Well I finally put it on the “Must Get Done This Spring” list.  Of course, my requirements were very specific (it always seems that the easy solution is not the one I pick). So the research began!

Tire Swing Requirements:

1. Design has to have a connection that won’t damage our old beloved pine tree. That immediately ruled out chain and thinner rope.

2. Tire swing that would hang horizontally to allow for holding 2-3 kids.

3. Reuse one of our old tires. Recycling at its best!

4. Ideally the design would not have unprotected chains adjacent to the tire (to prevent little pinched fingers).

5. Ideally it would come as a kit, so I wouldn’t have to source all the parts separately.

6. Be reasonably priced (I was hoping to spend about $40)

What I quickly learned is that most kits are designed to fit on a swing set and have a bolt connection. I also found several DIY instructions, but none of them dealt with how to attach it to the tree without using rope or chain. I also saw that a lot of them seemed overpriced to me. I also went over to Home Depot and found almost nothing that would work.I also discovered that covered chain is quite expensive.

Here are a few links to the options I found:


Tire Swing Kit #1

#2 Eye Swivel

#3 Tire Swing Option

#1: Tire Swing Kit w/ Coated Chains ($59.95). This also did not include the connection to the tree or extra chain.

#2:  Swivel for allowing the tire to spin without twisting the chain above. ($9.99)

#3: Tire Swing Tree Hanger by Woss Gear ($37.49)

DIY Instructions

#4: Popular Mechanics Instructions

#5: Instructables Instructions

#4:  Popular Mechanics Instruction for Building a Tire Swing.

#5: Instructables: How to Make a Tire Swing.

I found these instructions useful but quickly realized that by the time I source all of the parts it was going to be difficult and expensive and I was concerned that I would end up with a weak link somewhere and it wouldn’t hold up.

So after studying my options I went with #3. It looked durable, included everything but the swivel and met all of my requirements. I came out to a little more than $40 due to shipping, but it was a breeze to install (about a half hour). The only prep work required was drilling holes in the bottom of the tire so that water wouldn’t sit in there.

Woss Gear Tree Attachment

Heavy Duty Chain

I really liked the mechanism for attaching it to the tree. It was simple webbing (good for the tree) and had a self-tightening cleat. I also liked the super durable triangular link that attached to the chain below.

Tire Swing w/ webbing attachments

The tire itself is attached with webbing that is sewn into a loop, so you just pass the webbing around the tire and through the loop. Then the same piece has a sewn loop at the top to attach into the quick link that also attaches to the chain.

The New Tire Swing!

Sam is a big fan, although he mostly swings back and forth rather than around. I might still pick up the swivel separately, but for now he seems perfectly happy with it. I guess I need to get moving on the slide now!


New Beadboard Doors for the Workroom

Until now we have not had any doors to our workroom in the basement. If we didn’t have little kids I probably wouldn’t worry so much, but since the doorway is on the way to the bathroom we decided that we needed to be able to close it off. It also will hide the hot water heater and boiler from view when you are coming out of the bathroom (bonus!). It is an odd doorway with lots of piping on the other side for our boiler and hot water heater. The head clearance is partially affected by these, so a full height door was not going to work. I also liked having only a partial height door to help with air flow.

Door Inspiration from

I was a little stumped on what to do exactly. I was considering buying a premade door and cutting it, but after taking a look around, I couldn’t find anything I liked. Then I was looking at for totally unrelated reasons and saw the picture above and was sold! The V in the top would allow the doors to clear the piping and it looked totally buildable. The doorway is approximately 32″ wide. I would loose 3/4″ for cleats on the one side (so I was at about 31″). I wanted to use the same beadboard that we had used elsewhere. It is a nominal 1×6. In actuality it is 3/4″x 5 1/2 (including the tongue) or 5″ on the ones where the tongue fit into the other pieces. So, if I used 3 pieces on each side of the door it should work almost perfectly (5″+5″+5 1/2″) x 2= 31″. If the dimensions didn’t work out I was prepared to rip a piece down to fit.

3 Boards Fit Together

1. I bought six 8′ boards. I only needed about 6′ but they don’t come in that dimension and I didn’t have the bigger SUV so using 12′ boards was out unless I wanted to make a separate trip (which I didn’t want to do). In the end 8′ boards were the better choice because I used the scrap for cross pieces. These are available at Home Depot although be prepared to go through a bunch of boards to get clean ones. The total was about $45 + hinges. I also bought 3″ gate hinges meant for outside (about $5 for a two pack).

2. I cut the first door pieces to 6′. Then I played around with the angle at the top to allow it to clear the piping. In the end I had it angle down a total of 8″ over the 15 1/2″. I marked it and cut with my circular saw.

Glue for the Joints &Â Deck Screws

First Door w/ Staggered Screw Pattern

3. Next I glued the tongue and grooves together and screwed in the cross pieces in a staggered pattern, making sure I had two 1 1/4″ screws in each piece. I made sure to align the cross pieces with the cleats that I had installed on the wall. I used my trustee star bit deck screws again here.

Second door

4. After testing it out in the doorway, I laid down the door and used it as template for the second door (checking to make sure it was reversed from the first one).

5. I cut the second door and glued and screwed the second door.

Testing the Door in the Opening

Testing the door to make sure it fits with the pipes

6. Now for the fussing. I brought the doors over and test fitted them. I quickly realized that I was going to need to cut down the tongues on the inside of  the doors (which fortunately can be done with a small planer).

Aligning the bottom of the door w/ the flooring

7. I then carefully installed the hinges. I first put down a piece of 3/4″ scrap to make sure that the door would sit well above the floor. I also aligned the bottom of the door with the edge of the flooring. Then I carefully marked the holes for the hinges and predrilled the holes.

8. Next I installed a couple of screws on each hinge (so that I could still tweak it a little bit).

9. After I had pulled, pushed and screwed, I planed the tongues on each side of the door to get a good fit. It is not totally perfect, but it is okay in my book.

Door from the Workroom Side

10. I still need to install a latch at the top and whitewash it to match the rest of the paneling.

I actually prefer the workroom side of the door, but it wouldn’t work very well to switch the doors, so it will be staying this way for now.

What do you think?

Next up is adding trim to the bathroom door.

* To see all of the posts about our basement click here.


Victorian Safe by Cary Safe Company Circa 1878-1929

Our giant Victorian safe is really a beast! Interestingly, we looked up photos of similar safes from Cary Safe Company over the weekend and we discovered that it should have wheels at the bottom, which must have broken off before it made its way into our basement in the 1970s. Wheels sure would have made it easier to move!

Cary Safe Company Ad from 1920

Since we have had the house we have only moved it a few feet. Once to allow the waterproofing contractors to get behind it, and secondly up against the wall. When the contractors moved it to its current resting place, I hadn’t finalized the size of the fridge and freezer so I told them to put it about 8′ off of the side wall. It ended up a little bit less than that, and now that I have my dimensions, we needed to move it about 3 1/2″ to make our panty/ wine storage area work and in preparation for the wood countertop. I was originally planning on having my contractor (3 of them) move it over, but I have been holding off calling them, since I want to give them a complete list of work to finish off the basement rather than having them come out repeatedly. So what to do?

Our Contrapsion for Moving The Safe

Mr. S. had tried shoving it with a hand truck with no success (it weighs about 1000 lbs). It also has almost no clearance below to make it that much trickier. I was getting ready to reluctantly call the contractor when Mr. S. mentioned it my brother-in-law Matt, who had a brilliant idea. Why not use a jack to push it? hmm….that sounds plausible and we own several hydraulic jacks. So on Sunday we pulled out the drawer unit and fridge and used a bunch of scrap wood and pushed it along! Starting from the right, we used plywood to protect the wall and help even out the load, the hydraulic jack (lifted up with some scrap wood). Then we used a 4×4 post cut to length. On the safe side we used some more scrap underneath to keep the pushing point up a few inches and a longer piece of scrap across the side of the safe. And the verdict? It was slow but it totally worked. First the wall pushed in about 1/4″ (as I was keeping my fingers crossed). Then the safe starting moving. We could move it between 1/2 and 3/4″ per session. Then we would loosen the jack and add an extra piece of scrap and do it again. So all in all I think we moved it in 4 pushes to its new resting place. The picture above is after we finished pushing it so there are 2 extra pieces of scrap on the left side.

Safe in its new resting place w/ fridge and drawer cabinet

Now we have the space left for the freezer and we are ready for the counter (which should be here in about 1 1/2 weeks).

Thanks Matt!

Tomorrow I will post up the design and installation of our new beadboard doors for the workroom, which I think came out quite well.

* To see all of the posts about our basement click here.

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