A Few Winter Blooms at Swarthmore College

February 1, 2013


On Sunday we went for a family walk around Swarthmore College (aka Scott Arboretum). The kids were quite happy running around in the cold. I find it so easy to hide away in the winter but the kids are good at reminding me that fresh air is a good thing! After an hour Sam was disappointed when I told him it was time to go home. While we were there I made it our goal to find some pretty winter interest plants.

I really loved these hydrangeas. These had such a  great structural quality that I liked against the snow.


I have admired this particular crape myrtle (Natchez) on several occasions. It is quite a large specimen and has lovely white flowers at the end of the summer. This variety apparently grows to 30′, which this one must be close to. But the bark is the real show stopper as far as I am concerned. I don’t have a place in my yard for this, but if I did I would definitely pick one up.  Although maybe this might be a nice tree for the front yard. hmmmm….


This Jasminum nudiflorum low grounding shrub I don’t know what the name of this ground cover is, but it was quite lovely and was taking over quite a large area of hillside (thanks to Carolyn for identifying it).


I have a few astibles in my yard, but I don’t think about them as offering winter interest. This garden made me rethink this. These are ‘Vision in Pink’, which look great considering that these flowers have been out like this for months. I suppose it is about planting several close together to get this effect.


Edgeworthia is new to me. Carolyn from Carolyn’s Shade Garden wrote an excellent article about them in December. I was quite intrigued by the post, where she included this particular specimen at the College. I was happy to see it in the middle of winter. She is suppose to have a few of these for sale this spring. Again, I don’t have a place for this, but it is really quite stunning.


The buds are fuzzy, how cool is that!


I have no idea what type of vine this is (wisteria?) but I thought the shape was stunning against the stone wall and lantern.


Finally here are the kids playing in a sculpture. Clearly we need to have some more outdoor winter adventures!

Does anyone have any recommendations for places to go around Philly?  I was thinking that Chanticleer Garden might be fun, but it isn’t open this time of year.